DeadSplinter Up! All Night:  Mood

Hi friends! What’s your mood tonight? After interviewing for four jobs and not getting a single one – I decided not to give into existential dread and depression so we packed up and headed to the lake. Nothing soothes the soul like trees and birdsong.

As always – thanks for your support!



  1. Fun fact:  Barbara is singing into an AKG 414 microphone, which should not–under any circumstances–be handled like that if your plan is to record literally anything.

    I’m in a Rude Mood.


  2. I pulled a muscle in my leg last week, had to skip yoga for several days, and was a little edgy.

    Bad Waitress – Restless Body


    But I’m back into my twisty routine and feeling balanced and quiet again.

    Cocteau Twins – Lazy Calm




  3. i have finally learnt to control my anger….now i feel meh

    what will be will be….

    you were expecting que sera sera werent you? ha!

  4. @Lymond totally their loss; they are not cool. I am gearing up to do my income taxes in the next week or two. Also not cool.

    Otzeki, Pay the Tax:


    • Thanks @Ellicoo – I’m used to getting pretty much every job I interview for so this is weird for me. I’m pretty sure there’s some ageism going on.

  5. Sinuses have freaked out. My head feels like a pissed off Lou Reed.

    • well..that went nowhere forever

      im impressed…lol

      • Oh, yeah. That record just goes on like that for more than an hour. And, no, I’ve never listened to more than a few minutes of it at a time myself, but I’ve read the enthusiastic articles that Lester Bangs wrote about it back in the day (speaking, as we were last night, about music trivia — and about Lester Bangs, too, actually).

  6. My heart goes out to all of you who are having trouble.

    Me? I got no complaints.  It was a beautiful Spring day today over here.

  7. Sorry the interviews didn’t work out, @lymond. But something will happen for you.

    TMBG – Climbing the Walls

    Godfathers – Birth, School, Work, Death

  8. Working on the Drunk part but other two are there!


  9. I’m on hold on a video call and waiting for the provider to get the fuck in there, and it’s nearly half an hour past my last scheduled break of the workday. . . .

    Iggy Pop — “I’m Bored”

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