DeadSplinter Up! All Night: Nothing But You (Sleep)

These guys just keep getting better. Bombay Bicycle Club – Eat, Sleep, Wake (Nothing But You).

And here’s an oldie but goodie from 2012, How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep:

Hit me with your best sleep-themed songs!

About Elliecoo 555 Articles
Four dogs, one partner. The dogs win.


  1. oh nice…never heard of them
    anyhoo…i go into party mode whenever i see eat sleep…ill probably be bouncing off the walls all night now and oversleep for work tomorrow

    i hope you feel at least a little bit bad when i get fired :p

  2. …so…couple of things…it’s arguably a bit of a reach in terms of DUAN ettiquette but I’m hoping the background musical accompaniment scrapes it under the wire on a technicality since I think that cat pic in the header could be considered cheating

    …also…there’s some context to take into account…I…do not sleep well…so one of the reasons I failed to keep up with these posts of late has been in part due to trying to spend a little less of the time reasonable folks are abed stacking up links in those DOT posts…from which meg is good enough to save me from time to time…& at those times this is more or less how I imagine her internal monologue would sound if narrated by Sam Jackson?

  3. Like a lot of people this virus has messed with my sleep. Instead of a sleep song, a sleepless song.
    Courtney Barnett – An Illustration of Lonlieness – Sleepless In NY

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