Delvis – Brother: “Brother let me down, My brother let me down, There’s something inside your head, Looking down the road, A paranoid road.” Brothers? Roads? Paranoia? What is inside your head tonight, music people?
As always, thank you for your support of DeadSplinter and DUAN.
Art Brut – My Little Brother
im still awake!
fuck me!
teh farscy is a hardy bastard
hey….can i go with jebroer?
it translates to your brother
Perfume Genius – Write To Your Brother
And I’m sorry, I just can’t resist
Bonnie “Prince” Billy – More Brother Rides
The Vaughan Brothers – Brothers
They had to convince Nile Rodgers, who was producing, to let them hand a single guitar off to each other while tracking.
In before Myo and Rip: