Deadsplinter Up! All Night: ON BROADWAY

There’s always magic in the air

It’s been way too long since we’ve had a Broadway DUAN night.

Share some of your favorite musical theatre moments.

Keep on being you, Deadsplinter. Thanks for coming around tonight.

About CestLaVie 74 Articles
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    • This WAY off Broadway production thinks like you and me!  I would love to see this production and can’t believe they haven’t done it yet!


  1. They should make a musical about the day I met my wife at a bus stop on the #8 Halsted Street route in Chicago.  Man, let me tell you, she made me work for it.  We got on around Fullerton and I had until Harrison Street to close the deal.  I had to do some serious schmoozing to get her to agree to meet me again for lunch.  I’m not one to brag, but I did some of my finest work that day.



  2. When they do eventually make the Broadway show based on my life, I don’t know who I want to play me.  It should be someone with Robert Goulet’s vibrant masculinity and Mandy Patinkin’s expressive countertenor.


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