Deadsplinter Up! All Night: Ready to Start

Fairy tales and stories (1900). Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875; Tegner, Hans, b. 1853, ill; Brækstad, H. L. (Hans Lien), 1845-1915

All the kids have always known
That the emperor wears no clothes
But they bow to down to him anyway
‘Cause it’s better than being alone

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Arcade Fire Ready to Start:

About myopicprophet 127 Articles
Kinja refugee. Rants often. Right sometimes.


  1. …hmmm – might need to think a bit more before I can settle on a tune but in the spirit of making a start, here’s a poem about how to write a political poem?

    • I can’t register (trying for hours!). Fortunately I had a WP login and logged in. The registration page keeps complaining about the answer to the security question. All the fields at the registration page except the security question have a green outline. What’s the proper format of the security question and answer?

      • …sorry you’re having trouble but if you’ve got a WP login I’d suggest sending that question direct to myopicprophet since of all of us they’re the one most likely to be able to help you out?

        • I tried again today, but today on the very first attempt it said something like ‘this email is already in use’. So, I went to the login page, clicked ‘forgot my password’ and entered the email. A second later I got my password in my email and here I’m! Yesterday it kept complaining about my security answer. Did you fix it? Thank you.

          I’m afraid there I have one more question for you though. Since yesterday I tried many different questions and answers now I don’t know which was accepted. And looking on my profile and on my settings pages I don’t see anything that will show it to me or allow me to change it. Can you see it?

  2. I’m not feeling very hopeful. I’m bitter and angry. I hope Mitch McConnell gets cancer and dies a slow, painful death.

    Etta James – Stacked Deck

    • …to be fair, he can’t be the devil they’re advocating we have sympathy for – it’s right there in the first line after all

      “Please allow me to introduce myself, I am a man of wealth and taste.”

      …I’d argue the great orange hope of the GOP is more by way of a red right hand(job)?

  3. …overthinking things never helps…despite trying to think of something less predictable that Makeshift Patriot on account of that being yet another Sage Francis tune I now can’t think of anything but something of a cliche…although I guess it got to be one for good reason?

  4. I love Arcade Fire. Some (or all?) of the members used to live near me. I would see that tall motherfucker on a bike once. I also witnessed him insult one of my paintings at a charity auction (don’t worry, I was just excited he looked at it hahaha. People can insult my art if they want). I think they live elsewhere in the city now.

    I’ve been into this one by them lately.

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