I suck at learning languages. I took three years of Latin in the Jesuit high school and two years of German (which was first period so I learned nothing). Being the son of immigrants, I learned enough street Italian to understand the old mobsters sitting at the “social clubs” on Taylor Street and to be able to make a complete fool of myself trying to order in a Milanese trattoria. While I have taught myself to curse in several languages, that is pretty much the extent of my skills.
I have great respect and admiration for people who can speak fluently in several languages. I know lots of these folks and am even married to some of them. And I am a BIG fan of music that’s not in English. Tonight, I am asking, respectfully, that we stick to such music. Wherever, whatever. Just not in English, por favor.
Let’s start with a classic. One of my strangely sexy Napolitano spinster aunts used to get up and sing this at weddings. I love when non-English speaking artists work in American idioms (and vice versa!). And brother, my paisans know how to ROCK!
I’m a big Omar Souleyman fan and Syrian wedding music generally. Years ago, his music turned up in my shuffle playlist, and he’s been in heavy rotation over here ever since. He’s also one of the coolest cats on the planet, as you can see from this video.
Also, I will groove to anything by Deigo El Cigala. I don’t understand a word, but his voice speaks to me in a way that transcends language. This one makes me shake shake shake my booty.
Iggy Pop singing in French is a whole mood. He did an entire album (“Apres”) of these songs. It sounds like he learned them phonetically and yet I believe that Serge Gainsbourg would still enthusiastically approve.
OK, I’m done. Let’s hear those favorite songs in divers tongues. And as my wife likes to say, “хвала на подшци Deadsplinter и DUAN”.
NOTE TO DEADSPLINTERERS:I apologize for the trivial tone of my DUAN tonight. I assembled and scheduled the post this morning before the despicable and infuriating events of the day. My tone and topic would have been much different had I waited several more hours. I invite you to participate if you need some relief from what’s going on, but if you don’t, I won’t be offended. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to be part of Deadsplinter and DUAN, and I love this community.
Don’t sweat it, @luigi-vuoto, this is a welcome respite from “that stuff”.
Coulda been worse. My diabetes-inducing brownie recipe (from a box) posted at 1 PM, just as the Electoral Votes were supposed to be tabulated, before the Trump Sturmtruppen invaded the Capitol.
By the way, the response to that treasonous insurrection by those charged to be on alert for something that was widely predicted for weeks was a little–lackluster, let’s say.
No worries Luigi!! It’s nice to have a pleasant distraction from all the insanity.
Not so good at speaking but Cussin in Tongues…
but I do love a Bilingual Girl…
Joe Bataan is a fave of mine.
Joe Bataan made some of the absolute greatest low-rider classics. There was a taco & pollo joint in East LA when I was there that used to blast Joe Bataan on outdoor speakers.
Omar’s mustache has its own agent, I’ll bet. I am down with Omar’s scene.
Boris Grebenshcikov made some inroads in the US in the late ’80s.
Boris Grebenshcikov – The Volga Boatman’s Song
Grebenshchikov. I knew I would screw up his name.
Cocanha – Colorina de Rosa
Tamiditine by Bombino
KOKOKO! Buka Dansa
@Luigi Vuoto it is all good. Music is life, unlike current events.
Smart Cops. I don’t understand a single word.
Conflict – Crazy Governments
Even though it is in English it still fits the theme
eh……i guess ill just grab a local then….heres an oldish one
and heres the current local radio nr 1
wait was i sposed to go for foreign to me languages or foreign to you languages?
I’m so pissed off right now all I can think of is Deano with Volare. It’s a mix of English and Italian.
For you, the original “Rock Me Amadeus,” without subtitles.
Classic. I can’t see that title without thinking of “Dr. Zauis”
And, from around the same time, the original “99 Red Balloons,” auch auf Deutsch, no subtitles.
Shoot. I picked a subtitled version. Well, practice your German and rely on the subtitles to give you prompts.
Pretty much everybody sucks at learning Finnish. Perkele. Saatana. Vittu. That’s all I got.
Real nice, Lemmy. That fits my mood tonight. I was looking for some Scottish metal in Gaelic as a tribute to you, but couldn’t find anything.
This thread reminded me of this old relic from the ’90s.
…I’m not sure I’d heard this lady before I started running into her tunes on posts roo used to leave on kinja but since french is likely the only language that isn’t english where I can keep up with rap lyrics…here’s keny arkana
…I believe the title to that one translates more or less to “I dared”…& to give her due credit she really does…if you doubt me check out “le rage”…or sundry other tunes of hers?
I love this theme idea
El Chico Del Apartamento 512- Selena
https://youtu.be/4fWhyWezDTg カリフォルニア サンシャイン (California Sunshine)- Scott and Rivers
Why am I NOT surprised Rivers Cuomo is on a Japanese-language track?
Lol. Totally. Scott & Rivers have two albums now.
La Femme – “La femme ressort”
No need to apologize for the pre-drafted theme. I think it’s a fine way to think about something other than Trump and his vortex, which we all need from time to time.
Omar Souleyman is terrific. I used to know his manager socially–such an all-round lovely person.
In terms of non-English tracks, I’ve always been a fool for chansons.
Benjamin Biolay, “Dans la Merco Benz”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO4wrWoS5QE
Jacques Dutronc, “Et moi, et moi, et moi”
And Tropicalia is always delightful:Os Mutantes, “A Minha Menina”
Damnit, this is the one that didn’t format properly:
Benjamin Biolay, “Dans la Merco Benz”