There has been talk on the back end about sprucing up DUAN. Nothing Earth shattering but freshening up like dew on morning grass. There has been comments lately about a DUAN for music you are embarrassed about. We would like to hear your suggestions for “themes” or featured posts. Drop us some text in the comments. Don’t waste the songs on this post.
This is a user friendly site. If there is something you would like to see (@myopicprophet love for horrible food) or contribute let us know. If you would like to host a DUAN drop me a line.
To all the DUAN authors, Thank you for all the thought and care you put into your posts. Keep doing what you are doing. The suggestions are for the last minute folks (me) whose brain has run dry.
On that note post whatever you want.
Funny you posted Richard Dawson. My sister used to hang out with him in Waikiki back when I was a little kid, I think before that show was even on. I met him a few times as a kid and he was a really nice guy, not creepy like that show made him appear. I was in awe since I loved Hogan’s Heroes. Anyway, been listening to Babe Rainbow all day to warm me from this crazy snowfall we are getting. This is such a great song and fun video…
This was the perfect antidote to my shitty, horrible, absolutely no good day. It is Saturday, the 13th, not Friday, the 13th. Bureaucratic hell. Stuff I need not available until Tuesday (President’s Day, and all, I won’t get into it.) I wanted to pay a simple bill but the only “bill” I got was a text with a statement, and it was fair, but the only way to pay it is to text back payment information, which I’m not going to do via text. Computer issues. Printer issues. Internet issues. To compound my misery I decided to do my taxes. More bureaucratic website hell. I assembled all my forms but 2020 was a little bit of a complicated year for me so that took the better part of the afternoon. I went to the online tax service I’ve used successfully for the last three years but that conspired against me. I just gave up, closed everything down, marched into the bedroom and almost had a rage-stroke in front of the unsuspecting and ever-patient Better Half. “And what do you fucking want for dinner? I’ll pull some stuff out. I was thinking pork—”
“Mattie, calm down. It’s Valentine’s Day.” “No it’s not.” “It’s close enough. I’ll go to that Thai place we like so much and pick up dinner. Anything you want. Now let’s get something for you to calm your nerves.” Two stiff vodka martinis in, on my part, he said, “I’m seeing my accountant [whenever] so let’s go together. We’ll take an uber. It’ll be like a lunch date! Except we’ll both be masked and someone you’ve never met will tell you how much money we owe.” “Even in the plague years romance survives. It’s a deal.”
@CousinMatthew’sTinglingLeg, I feel your pain. I can’t do taxes yet, waiting still for some info that may not come until late March, but I cleaned out 2020 from the file cabinet and sorted the things I had for tax prep. Earlier today I was thankful bourbon. Happy Valentine’s Day.
Otzeki, Unthunk:
That’s a great song!
music im embarrassed about?
do i look 16 to you?
(wait dont answer that…i know my girlish good looks confuse some *strokes beard*)
tho…i did like i think it was cousin mathews suggestion to go for a parody duan…i may steal it if nobody beats me to it by tuesday
I think I need some acid for this one! What the hell is going on here?
have you found your acid yet?
Looks like YOU did for me!
Mein Gott in Himmel! No one does pop kitsch better than the Germans. Have you ever seen this?
Germans you say
Yeah, German’s are pretty strange sometimes!
I’m glad this is an open DUAN since I’d already decided to bypass the theme. This one is for Moscow Mitch, I hope there’s a hell so you can burn in it.
Elvis Costello – You Bowed Down
Theme ideas, I’ll probably regret these when it’s time to find a song – onomatopoeia, any action -we’ve done walk and maybe run- what about climb, slip, laugh, etc., a random country to explore, flowers, historical figures, literary references. There are tunes for everything.
While the result was expected, I’m still pissed at the Senate.
Death From Above – Cheap Talk
Love this band. They just came out with a new single.
@MemeWeaver I did expect it, but a small part of me must have been secretly hopeful because I’m feeling extraordinarily bitter right now.
Yep. Same.
Very, very tired of watching ignorant voters screw themselves over and then crow about “winning”.
In the not-so-distant future, @farscythe is going to get a message from me that says I’ve emigrated to Friesland and am living in a yurt there….
lol……shit mate… you do not want to live with the fucking frysians
i live in the whitest most racistiest part of the country
if you dont count friesland
trust me on that one…
if you need out i can put you up..but for the love of god do not go to friesland
Good to know! I loved Texel last time I was there. So, Texel?
texel is nice..an island upon itself and all that jazz
Can’t resist the urge to branch out and post this:
CSS, “Let’s Make Love and Listen to Death From Above”
That was awesome.
I have WAY too many to worry about wasting…
For the record she was older than me when I may or may not have gone out of my way (and by “out of my way” I mean use my own money and three buses to get downtown and back while listening to NWA in my walkman, to purchase this the day it came out when it wasn’t even sold in Canada that day but I had the owner of the store order it in specifically for me) to obtain her album.
According to math she is still older than me…
If you’re thinking “but myo, what could possibly be cheesier than that?”
Vote for a “guilty pleasures” DUAN.
“but myo, what could possibly be
cheesiercreepier than that?” Fixed it for you.Challenge accepted:
You want to
you wanna
It may be
Just don’t
You better
Cause I’m
And you will be
and it only took you an hour and a half to come up with that…you’re
but if you
you’ll quickly
it will be the
from your
is that of
Did you say “creepier”?
Wow. That comment was like a cross between hieroglyphics and a ransom note!
@keitelblacksmith do you by any chance know anyone proficient in list-making?
so far we have:
guilty pleasures
climb, slip, laugh, etc., a random country to explore, flowers, historical figures, literary references
and i’d like to add songs that could possibly win you a lip-sync competition.
not that any of us could beat the pros or anything:
thing is tho….im still a little confused about how this would change things up
unless we start taking polls on what should the next duan be
that seems like kind of a pita
i vote for making a duan wishlist
everyone who doesnt actually want to make a duan gets to drop what they would like to have in that thread
and then we try to actually cross off the whole list
and if we ever manage that…start over
fwiw tho….i love the make shit up as you go system we have now
just saying i’d be willing to adapt
Just trying to keep it fresh
Someone who knows how to turn brain-soup into words might word this better than me, who does not, but I think it’d mostly be more for a “hey y’all! we’re doing this on this night” type of thing?
@myopicprophit I didn’t literally mean those particular verbs, lol. They were just examples.
Too English-y for me…so copy/paste was
I could do a killer lip-sync to this one. I’d even be willing to go full drag for the occasion.
Better still, when we have the annual Deadsplinter convention in New Paris, Ohio next year, I’ll conduct a karaoke drag show.
Themes are getting tiresome. You need to just let it rip more often.
eh…that aproach works for me too
When you say “more often” do you mean Tuesday-Wednesday, Thursday-Wednesday, or actual Wednesday? It’s kind of hard to tell when only one person knows what day it is…but I’m always willing to go out for a rip!
What Lemmy said. I still love themes, but blow-outs (like this one) are healthy and exhilarating.
Thank you to everyone who works hard to post DUAN, and to everyone who wanders by to add their songs to it.
Some suggestions might include:
What’s something you’ve changed your mind about? (Could be you went from hating it to loving it, or the other way round, etc.)
Which songs/albums/bands/genres were you late to the party on, but now whole-heartedly recommend?
Which album/single, etc was the first you bought with your own money? (Taking inspiration from myo’s JLH posting above.)
For the record, JLH was not my first. I had every belinda carlisle song memorised before I bought that JLH album.
OK, then. It was the three buses and your own money details that rang a bell for me. I love hearing the lengths we went to for new music back when it wasn’t downloadable or streamable.
That was harder to read someone else saying it than it was for me to admit it LOL
I played a Maestro Fresh Wes song last night which led to a very long time reminiscing the day his “Black Tie Affair” album was releasded.
My brother and I, long before the release date, decided that we were going to bus downtown to get the tape but we didn’t realise that we had both saved the money for it until we got to the music store. So we decided that I’d buy the tape and he’d buy something else and we’d go home and copy each other’s tapes. Neither of us remember what the “other” tape was, but we both remember the day.
This is the song that really stood out to me at the time and even by today’s standards it is still a great one, in my opinion:
Just in time for Valentine’s Day…new Danny Elfman “Love in the Time of Covid”
Needs Bartek.
Did someone say Bartok?
Here’s a nice song that satisfies two themes at once: Songs I’m embarrassed that I still love so much, and Valentine’s Day!
Here are some ideas of themes that could be spread out over multiple nights.
Generations — one night songs for little kids, another one tween songs, songs our parents liked, grandparents, immigrant ancestors….
Round the world — pick a continent (or country) one night Africa, another South America, etc.
Regional rivalries — pick two sides and make a musical case why West Coast beats East, or why Cowboy Western beats Southern Country.
Sesame Street Sponsors — remember how Sesame Street used say today’s show was brought to you by the letters R, C and the number 3? Pick two letters and a number and songs or artists must start with the letter or have that many words in the title.
Family feuds — pick two sets of relatives and have a musical back and forth. Songs about moms vs. songs about dads, songs about brothers vs. songs about daughters, or kids vs. parents.
I love using themes. Some suggestions:
•movie or tv show songs
•vintage music nights
• pick a year and everyone tries to share a song from that year
I always loved it when Richard Dawson would yell “booze!” on the show.
Well, now I don’t know what to do for DUAN any more. All these great suggestions have me overwhelmed and frozen with fear and self-doubt.