Deadsplinter Up! All Night: The Band (Update)

Update: You can now copy/paste URLs to show videos, embed tweets and docs, etc.

Ah yes, the band is back! And we want you to join us! Seeing as I’m waiting for a response from someone who seems to be very enthusiastic about DUAN and who apparently has a group of loyal friends as well, I’m going to drop this load on you until that team takes over DUAN for us. I have a lot of work left to do here at Deadsplinter and improving the comments section is on the list…and I barely know what I’m doing so fingers crossed soon you’ll all be able to embed videos rather than link them. Welcome back everyone! And thank you for your future support of Deadsplinter!

About myopicprophet 126 Articles
Kinja refugee. Rants often. Right sometimes.


  1. Alright you all. How embarrassing were your Spotify roundups? Don’t be shy. I’ll take one for the band and go first:
    #1 artist for the second year in a row was Steve Earle. I am Ok with this.
    #2 was Taylor Swift (hangs head in shame). I’ll spare you the rest. It’s bad.
    I’ve got two Jason Isbell songs in my top 5, along with the oh so basic “Juice”. Some Reckless Kelly and Hayes Carll rounding out the top five. (
    I listened to 76,342 minutes of music, which is 1,272 hours, which is 53 straight days.
    Am I doing this right? Is this thing on?

  2. Hey myopic, are we really “Sticking To Sprots”. You might want to have someone fix that typo at the top of the page.

    I vote for Keitel for sure to be the DUAN master, he is overqualified & knows everything about music. Just glad to see it live again. I was going to post something sappy like the Welcome Back Kotter theme but I’m a little too wound up for that & need music from the pit instead! Voodoo Glow Skulls – We’re Back!

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