Deadsplinter Up! All Night: The Last Day

The last day of the decade. If there was anything you needed to get done before 2020, you better do it quick.

“The Last Day” – Gravy Train



  1. This Zeppelin style “Thank you” is for Myo, who has worked tirelessly to give us our DUAN back!!!

    So thank you, Myo!

    DUAN is something that most of us did every night for many years and then one day it was just gone and I felt so lost without it!

    Thank you, Myo, for being an excellent listener and for allowing us to take all of the good parts of the old DUAN and make it even better! Looking forward to the New Year!

    • I’ve been “told” to learn to appreciate the thanks, but in all honesty, I feel it is you (and the rest of the DUAN Discographers who made everyone feel welcome on the original DUAN, DeadspinRIP’s DUAN, and now Deadsplinter’s DUAN) and the people who know grammar that are writing here on Deadsplinter that deserve all the credit. I’m just the tech guy who can’t let go of the community. So I want to thank YOU and the rest of you for your continued support of Deadsplinter!
      And Happy New Year to ALL!

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