DeadSplinter Up! All Night: The World’s on Fire

... Until it's not

Photo of a wildfire

Yeah, so the West is still on fire. Thought folks elsewhere should know that.

This song used to be kinda humorous

For myself, the current hazardous air quality conditions are worse than the pandemic. I was dealing with the pandemic by spending time outdoors, exercising or working on projects. That is now very limited by our smoky skies. Not super-swell for depressed/anxious people.


And then, of course, it’s hard not to see the conflagrations as an apt metaphor for our current political environment. My anxiety goes sky-high when I think about President AssHat getting four more years to continue the burning of Rome.

I might love this song a little too much right now

So this post is headed for Gloomsville. Until it isn’t. One thing I have found in all this is that I can focus on how lucky I am.

I have a house. The house is not currently threatened by fire. The house has air conditioning. I have friends and family checking on me. I have friends and family who are happy when I check on them. I still have a job. That job is reasonably safe for now. My wife still has her job. That job is at a hospital, and yet she just got negative results on her antibody test. All good things.

So I know everyone here is going through this. I know everyone is facing tremendous challenges, is dealing with a great deal of fear and uncertainty. What’s next, 2020? I’m not going to predict anything other than we’ll get around that, too.

Stay safe, y’all. Tell the people who matter that you love them. And enjoy the weekend.



  1. We are supposed to get rain tonight but right now we are also at 152 with 1.5 miles of visibility.  It looks like fog and haven’t seen the sun all day, very apocalyptic skies.  
    Joe Bonamassa – When the Fire Hits the Sea

    and more accurately for my neck of the woods…


  2. Rationale, Fuel to the Fire
    Gone are the days of virtue and honor
    Rights that we fought for, burn down the wall
    Let it never be said that
    We truly learned from darker days

  3. …well, this one’s getting a bit too literal for me these days

    …but in figurative terms “feed me the fuel that I need for this fire to burn & it’s burning & I am returning” about covers “the way I am” when reading the news…not to mention “the why, the who, what, when, where & the how ’til I’m grabbing my hair & I’m tearing it out”…so…what the hell


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