Fun fact: there is a town in NM called Truth or Consequences (T or C if you’re a local), which named itself after a game show that promised to broadcast their next show from the first town to rename itself.
This is Eric Clapton doing a solid cover of Robert Johnson’s “If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day”
Fun fact: there is a town in NM called Truth or Consequences (T or C if you’re a local), which named itself after a game show that promised to broadcast their next show from the first town to rename itself.
This is Eric Clapton doing a solid cover of Robert Johnson’s “If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day”
A song about personal failings from one of my favorite bands.
Twofer Tuesday
Lustmord – A Light That Is Darkness
Love and Rockets – Judgement Day
hey..i like my illusion of relaxation…but goddamn thats a good way to put it tho
Judge (Sandy) Alex G
I So Hate Consequences – Relient K
And only God can judge me, so all you other motherfuckers get out of my business.
Nonpoint: Another Mistake
Lemmy, I was sure you were gonna go with Megadeth – Train of Consequences.
Covenant – Judge of My Domain
Measure Up — The Tom Tom Club
Welcome to the Occupation – REM
24-7 Spyz – Judgement Day
Bad Decisions- Bastille
The Day That Never Comes- Metallica
My Favorite Mistake
Not on theme, and TW’S for all sorts of BAD, if it ends up being true💔
Hopefully Dre got to the hospital on time, snd the Doctors got the bleeding stopped.
Had a co-worker who had this happen last year, and she IS back to almost normal–i hope VERY much, that he has the SAME sort of luck💖💓💞
Thank goodness–there’s a GOOD update, from the man himself!😉😁🤗💞
Annnnnd i forgot the link!😖