Deadsplinter Up! All Night: Too Cool to Dance!

Get Off Your Ass & Shake It!

I used to be accused of thinking I am too cool to dance but really it was more about being too shy to dance or being too sober to dance. I love to dance in the privacy of my own shower or in a crowd of similarly drunk individuals too oblivious to care about how stupid you look. You don’t have to do a choreographed dance but some music makes you move your feet. The Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band is one of those music creators. Here’s a new song from their upcoming album, Dance Songs for Hard Times…

It’s been a tough year for a band that was touring constantly, playing more than 250 dates per year but probably a little easier to do that when you are a married couple (that’s Mrs. Peyton on washboard). They have come a long way since the Tedeschi Trucks band convinced them to devout themselves to music and tour full-time. It seems now they have the Ways and Means…

After all we have been through in the last year, it sure seems like We Deserve a Happy Ending…

Enjoy your Thursday night Deadsplinter Ohana. I passed my Covid test so hopefully that means no more obstacles to getting on a plane on Saturday but I won’t get ahead of myself.



  1. I was gonna post this earlier, but before I could hit POST COMMENT, the power went out again.  It’s probably those storms to the South of us.

    And even if you think you can’t dance or especially if you think you can’t dance, that’s when you need to get your back up off the wall.

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