Tis the season for hysteria over people putting drugs in kids’ candy bags for Halloween, as if that ever happened. Like someone is going to waste perfectly good (and not cheap!) drugs.
What drugs do you want to see in your goody bag this year among the candy corn and apples with razor blades? Or if you’re a square like me, what kind of candy do you hope gets snuck in your bag of drugs?
Country Dick Montana – It’s Only Cocaine
and a few reggae greats…
Harlem – LSD Saves
Black Lips – Lean
We’re talking hoax drugs, right? Because then fill my bag with mushrooms, lots of morels and maitakes and king oysters.
Oops, link fizzled
im a fan of speed
just makes me hyperfocused tho….it nice
and if you want a chatty farscy feed me cocaine….really…all uppers works like a charm for me….. the downers are not for me tho…..tho…. younger me did occasionally take heroin to come down of all the coke and speed…sometimes codeine too…
i’m amazed i survived all that shit
More Rev HH
Also, NO ONE is giving away drugs. That shit is expensive! And if my (hypothetical) kids came home with drugs I would just confiscate them, like I would a Reese’s PB Cup.
its a fun scare tactic tho innit?
ermagerd free drugs!…uhh wait i mean poison candy
oh no poor little jimmy is going to get high as fuck
*shrugs* i mean if it happens….lucky fucking kid
surprise highs are the best ones
I remember an early panic that those fake tattoos you would lick and put on your skin were actually LSD! What????
Drugs are good NOFX
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Beatles
I love all the groups leaning in to the idiocy of OMG DRUGS IN HALLOWEEN CANDY
A college friend shared a facebook post from an archivist’s page today about how “parents beware! people are finding old editions of Reader’s Digest magazines inside their kids’ Snickers!”