DeadSplinter Up! All Night: Wandering in the past

I have been spending a good bit of time wandering around in the past. I’ve been watching Columbo (recently I was blessed with a secondary male character wearing black, white, and red plaid flair legs with a black shirt with big collar, a HUGE red satin tie, and a grey jacket with red top stiching (also with huge collar) and, AND driving a matching red stingray. Can you believe it? He wasn’t even a pimp!!!! What times those were, eh? I also have been investigating the Fast and Furious franchise which I was unfamiliar with until recently. What happened to Vin Diesl between the the first movie and the later movies? He had, like, sparkle and energy and verv in the first movie. Then all of a sudden he’s twice and big and super SUPER stoic.

Anyway, here’s some oldies from Jerry Band

Does it matter if he remembers all the words? No. Not to me anyway. You gotta commit to Jerry to get the full ride.

Also, if you like Jerry as much as I do, treat yourself to this if you haven’t heard it. It’s just Jerry at the Oregon State Pen. Had not heard it in years but found it again trying to find Ruben and Charise. This has a version I like a lot, but I couldn’t find it as a single.

So that’s some of what I’ve been doing to feel better, how about you? Any past paths that are bringing joy and comfort?



  1. Nostalgia for me has to include Elvis Costello. I had the chance to meet him once but turned it down because I was afraid I’d do or say something stupid.

  2. Found this fun one over on Twitter today–a great mashup of “Mr. Themesong’s” music from Top Gun, with another 70’s/80’s/90’s kid fan fave;

  3. I flirted with being a Deadhead when I was younger. Then I got to college and started hanging around with actual Deadheads. They were mostly irresponsible, pretentious, narcissistic assholes. Fuck those guys.

    And in case you’re one of those pretentious assholes, here’s a translation:

  4. Oh man, Columbo is probably the greatest television show of all time. I can watch those original episodes over and over again. Especially that weird one Patrick McGoohan directed. I had the opportunity to buy his car once, but it would have taken everything I had to get it so I didn’t.

    Here’s my favorite work by Jerry Garcia. I’ve never been a fan of the Dead, but I love his pedal steel playing on David Crosby’s first solo album.

    David Crosby – Laughing

    • Also, Columbo is SO SOOTHING. Plus, everyone was on it at one point or another. I haven’t gotten to the McGoohan one yet, but I think I’m close. My favorite is the one where Jack Cassidy kills Micky Spilane, I just get a huge kick out of that one for unknown reasons. Maybe because Jack Cassidy is such an unlikely looking person in the first place, and he had such a delightful time.

      • Oh yeah. That is a good one. Jack Cassidy is always fun. I think he was a three time murderer on Columbo. I always think of the magician one with him.

  5. Jethro Tull – Living In The Past

    I listen to music that’s anywhere from a couple of years to a couple of centuries old all day long, so this song is about right. It’s harder for me to get into “new” music because change is bad:) But, every once in a while, I will check something out and surprise myself.

    • The way I find music mostly these days is via Pandora, or following threads on Youtube. There is so much good music, but it’s mostly not found on the radio, it seems. In fact, I become nervous and irritable if someone makes me listen to pop radio for very long. I used to work in an office where the boss made us listen to one of those computerized radio stations that played even good songs so often that you could grow to hate them within a week, and it was TORTURE. I don’t work there anymore. 🙂

      • I tend to find it on Pandora (Colin James is a good example), and sometimes I’ll hear something that someone else is listening to (such as Voltage which is one of Farscythe’s favorite bands). I haven’t listened to music on the radio in probably ten years, which is kind of ironic considering my earlier career. Sometimes, I pick up new music from NPR which was the case when Sharon Jones appeared on Wait Wait Don’t Tell me. I loved her stuff and then checked out the label she was with (Daptone) and found a bunch more artists that I like. It comes in fits and starts.

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