Deadsplinter Up! All Night: Woe Is Me

I have been dealing with a pinched nerve in my neck for a month. After several PT appointments and only Aleve I’m off to my GP tomorrow. I’m taking my wingwoman (Elliecoo) with me for the sole purpose of explaining that…… I WANT ALL THE DRUGS.



  1. I hope your GP comes through for you, feel better.

    Great tune about recreational drug use, playing the ponies, and love going sour.
    The Hold Steady – Chips Ahoy

    • So Morphine . . .my first date with Keitel, I had the little black dress, the case of St Paulie girl, the tabletop book of of classes at the local art college – and all he cared about was that I had all the Morphine compact discs in my music collection. I had passed the most important music taste test!

      • You definitely sound like a keeper. My wife’s complete CD collection was a stolen Depeche Mode disc, the one with Personal Jesus. I somehow married her anyway.

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