DeadSplinter Up! All Night: You Want Something Better Than Me

My chemistry teacher would play music from bands like the Cure, Oingo Boingo when we worked with our lab partners. He also played a good amount from Nerf Herder’s American Cheese. I didn’t understand chemistry much, but the music is what stuck with me. Thank you for your continued support of DeadSplinter.



  1. If my chemistry teacher had played good tunes I might not have skipped as much.

    Jack Johnson – Better Together

    Leonard Nimoy – Twinkle Twinkle Little earth

  2. Sounds like you had a very cool chemistry teacher, mine looked just like Mr. Spock. Problem was she was a Chinese lady with no sense of humor and a rice bowl haircut. I just want Smaller & Better Things

  3. Not chemistry, but there was a physics teacher at my HS who would dock you if your staples weren’t at a 45 degree angle. Hence, here’s some Mavis ‘Staples’!

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