There’s a sentient glob of orange Play-Doh threatening the zoo, so it’s time to build a new wall.
Normally I’m against walls, particularly THE WALL, but this one seems smart. Wouldn’t want that glob getting out. And I suppose it’s better than cowering a bunker with Eva Brau– err, Melania. (Smile! C’mon, smile!)

Fascists are such pathetic cowards, aren’t they?
Soon enough they’ll have machine gun emplacements at the corners.
trump isn’t afraid of the protesters. He’s inspecting the fencing, panel by panel.
Another toddler in a cage!
Tell him a real man like Obama would have gone out and faced the crowds alone.
Speaking of leadership under siege, this article by Ashley Feinberg about the uprising at the NY Times is worth reading:
Useless Opinion editor James Bennet made the putrid choice to run an op-ed piece by Tom Cotton calling for troops to put down what he called insurrectionists.
Multiple Times employees took the unprecedented response of tweeting that running the piece put Black NY Times staff in danger.
As Feinberg pointed out, Times reporters were furious that Bennet hadn’t dumped the piece for Cotton’s lie about Antifa leading the protests, which had already been debunked by Times reporters, and lies about the source of violence being protestors and not police.
In a joint letter to management, reporters are pointing out that they are putting their safety on the line to cover these stories, where police are targeting reporters, and management thanks them by running a call to ratchet up the crackdown.
…I could climb that fence in like a minute. Less than that if I stretched before hand.
I wonder how fast the actual protesters are going to climb it.
When trump boasted that his border wall was un-climbable a group of rock climbers couldn’t pass up the challenge. Of course he was full of shit. The winning climber did it in 13.1 seconds, an 8 year old girl in less than a minute.
I suspect you could easily scale Bunker Boy’s new wall in under a minute.
No need to climb. A group of about six people could push it over. Those poles would bend. I’ve also got wire snips in my toolbox that could cut a hole big enough to walk through in about 5 minutes. But pushing would be faster.
Trump probably demanded the Army Corps of Engineers dig a moat and fill it with man eating ‘raptors and sharks with lasers on their heads.
Were you watching “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” recently? That’s a major plot point–supplying evil villains with attack dinos in completely unusable situations.
im probably missing the point here….but whats that little truck in the lead pic?
its adorable
i want it
…would have had you down for more of an argocat kinda guy?
oh holy shit…
can i get one in pink?
with hello kitty stickers?
…they are a lot of fun if you have an excuse…can’t vouch for the hello kitty thing, though?
eh….i can hello kitty it meself
i like hello kittying all the things…i do it for the double takes
for some reason people dont expect hello kitty patches on something me size
Reminds me of Guido…
guido is awesome!
also i think i need to watch cars again now
conveniently….i have that in my pile of torrents
oh yeah
thank you for giving my evenings entertainment
oh that was fun
anyhoo…i think my new catchphrase is
not all my tricks rookie!