…do tell [DOT 4/4/20]

…deep breath folks…it’s the weekend, if you remember what those are

…but sadly I for one do not live in the world of Calvin so not only am I down a cuddly tiger pal with whom to while away my time in pointless endeavor…I’m having a hard time with some of the endeavoring that’s been chalked up in the pointless column lately…by which I mean where the obvious point made by people for good reason is (in so far as he can unreasonably shit all over it) cancelled out by some egregious effort or other to punish those who made it


…I mean, you’d think that kind of shit would, I dunno…speak volumes about the guilt radiating out of the oval office like some kind of oil slick…or, as Schiff put it

“yet another blatant attempt by the president to gut the independence of the intelligence community and retaliate against those who dare to expose presidential wrongdoing”

…so, not unlike this shit


…forever & always the toddler-in-chief this tiny-minded fuckwit is either getting cocky or desperate…& since both of those are very much his natural state it’s confounded hard to tell…what with the underlying & overlaying blanket of sheer fucking stupidity

medical advice: “everybody should” Dolt45: “ain’t gonna”
…& I thought kush was something that made folks feel good…although…those folks do burn that shit…just sayin’

…remind me why that thin streak of piss is on my fucking television again, would you?

Jared Kushner Is Going to Get Us All Killed

…I mean, we know it ain’t for talking about the shit he knows most about


…but then, when you can’t even get the fucking governers in line because the idiot supposedly in charge is doing such a bang up job flouting the fucking advice the poor bastards who understand this shit are trying to give…is any of this shit really a fucking surprise?


…which isn’t to say it’s intelligible


…a fucking tragedy, yes


…accompanied by several kinds of farce


…some of which are really scraping the barrel

…because there’s always a bigger idiot

…& some of which you just couldn’t make up


…which is ironic when some might say that making it up is exactly what some of these fucking caricatures of humanity are doing


…& can someone please beat that orange fuckwit over the head with a copy of this fact until it penetrates his mental inertia & he gets the message that he has once again presided over pissing away the kind of advantage most people only dream of getting


…& for fuck’s sake don’t let him talk to these fuckers


…he’s doing enough fucking damage as it is


…I guess I’m feeling a little of that free-floating hostility

…& then…you’ve got donald trump

…makes you wonder, don’t it?

…shit, sometimes it’ll even make you think

…george would have been having a pretty great time around about now, when you think about it

…& speaking of people it’d be nice to hear from…how about these

…& what the hell, it’s the weekend…have another



  1. The only job Jared is qualified for is fucking up. On that basis, he’s fucking amazing.

    • I think his voice might be good for stand up comedy.

  2. What’s making me chuckle (in a VERY black-humor way!), is how Jared & Dolt45 keep insisting that “the stockpile is for *our* use, and insisting ‘for the use of The United States of America!'”

    While denying that *states* should access it.
    Whichever of those two dumbasses slipped up & actually said “The Federal Government” let the cat’s head,at least, slip out of the bag, and we got a glimpse of the fact that, apparently The Federal Government is the *Real* “United States of America,” and the states which united can just go fuck themselves… sideways… with a steel pineapple.**

    If the TrumpCo crime syndicate is allowed to keep maneuvering in the manner they have been… and I see no one and nothing capable of stopping them a.t.m., I’m worried this nation being run via Kakistocracy will finally be run fully & irreparably into the ground.

    Because Cadet Bonespurs, and Slenderboy probably have enough Dunning-Kruger hubris to think that,since they both regularly appear in public in suits, they can pilot a goddamn airplane (right into the ground!🤨), too.


    H/T to whoever it was that first wrote down that phrase!💖 I can’t rightly remember if it was one of you brilliant & lovely folks here, or someone over on Twitter read it from.

  3. The Kushner episode of that Netflix series Dirty Money is must see. The guy is such a crook.

    • I kinda want to see it.

      But I also don’t want to have an aneurysm😉😆🤣

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