If you had “sixth most loved son of Trump’s five children” in your “who will tweet out the whistleblower’s name” office pool, congratulations, you just won. You get the tacos on Tuesday.
This from the Political Tribune. I’m not going to reveal the whistleblower’s name here because – well, I’m respectful of the rules involving whistleblowers, and I’m also not dumber than a bag of wet mice, like Failson Jr. is.
This is, of course, a violation of the Whilstleblower Act. Also of course: there will be no consequences for Uday.
That’s exactly it, and it’s so awful. Of course they’re going to keep fucking around, what’s stopping them?
The total disregard of their well being and safety is atrocious, knowing his rabid fanbase I can only hope this individual stays safe and is promptly protected.
These motherfuckers.
(That has been my daily affirmation since before 2016, really. The only question is “what will it be today?” Sometimes the answer is, “multiple things”.)
God I hope their consciences can bear it when some fucking nut kills the guy. In fact, I retract that, I hope their consciences cannot bear it and they break the fuck down.
That unfortunately requires them to have any shred of decency or humanity which, as I have last checked appears to be none.
I have seen no evidence that 45 and his offspring or any of their associates are actually human beings. While the absence of such evidence cannot be in any way construed to be conclusive, it certainly is cause for doubt despite the general appearances.
Oh, now, you know they don’t have those!
Consciences are for people with morals, silly.