It’s the end of a 3 day weekend (for most of us). It may not have been the usual celebratory mood, but I hope you found some time to relax. Self-care in ‘these difficult times’ is important. If you’ve got any great tips, drop them below the line, please.
With so much gas-lighting going on…
Trump claims ‘victory’ as US sees Covid-19 case records in multiple states
It’s easy to think that you’re the one going crazy…
Many White House attendees are not social distancing or wearing masks ahead of Trump’s July 4th remarks
But it’s not you, it’s them…
Trump remains silent on Putin despite uproar over alleged Russian bounty payments
So take some time today for yourself!
i think i might not be the type that responds well to 5 minute self care
write down 3 nice things about yourself….hahahahaha fuck off
step outside for some fresh air…..imediately starts smoking
drink some water…..bish wtf do you think ive been drinking now beers off the menu
ugh…well… to be fair… that still went better than when on the job training requires roleplay
hahahahaha fuck off times infinity plus one and if you dont like you can shove this job up your arse
…I’ve learned it pays to heed our meg’s advice…but I confess I can sympathize?
…as far as the water thing goes…there’s water in coffee…it’s mostly water, even…& it took at least one cup of that before my bleary-eyed self grasped that you aren’t meant to try to do all of those in the same 5mins
lol tbh…i think every drink is mostly water
anyhoo..i only drink coffee in the of the day i drink water…..uhh… mo i actually have a can of monster…but thats just coz i found a nuclear green one in the shop….havent tried that one yet
There are dehydrated people in the US, just like there are people who need vitamins, but there has never been a people like Americans who are so overhydrated and so overdosed on multivitamins. Drink before you are thirsty is one of those of pieces of oh so wise advice that drives me crazy.
I HATE drinking water unless it’s fizzy!
For the longest time, I would drink literally anything other than water. But, over the years, I’ve developed quite a taste for it. Now it’s mostly what I drink.
Me too. If it’s not alcohol, it’s water. Or black coffee, which is flavored water. The percentage has shifted toward alcohol over the last three years, though.
Living in an apartment with a huge dog is a great stress reliever. Sometimes I think, “Oh, Jesus, do you need to go out AGAIN?” But I leash him up and put my mask on and off we go. He pretty much walks me. He’s a black Lab and he follows his nose. I probably know the neighborhood more intimately than people who have lived here for decades (I’ve been here for 12 years, although it seems a lot longer.).
I’ve discovered that the maskless covidiots in my neighborhood are also scared of dogs, or are confrontational about dogs. Even my own huge, friendly beast, a friend to all. When I run into one of the needlessly, somewhat psychotic, aggressive ones, I make the dog sit. I then say, behind my mask, “He knows a few other commands. You wouldn’t enjoy one I could give him.”
This completely isn’t true. My dog would happily walk off with my sidewalk combatant if I handed over the leash. But they don’t know that. Even in their strange, self-deluded minds they’re not ideating suicide so we go on our way.
By the way, this only happens about once every couple of weeks and never happened until about six months ago, so I think the lockdown is getting to all of us.
…I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a labrador that made it past “slightly grouchy sometimes” but if it works so much the better
…actually now that I think about it…even the grouchy one got overcome with shame & embarassment anytime he snapped at anyone…he was a little deaf & if someone went to pet him & he hadn’t realised they were going to he generally reacted as though they were the other labrador that lived in that house (a bit younger & always trying to nick his stuff) which could catch all concerned by surprise
…either way, getting walked by a dog is definitely right up there when it comes to things that make you feel better in my experience…even if these days that means having to borrow a dog in my case…which isn’t as frequent an occurence at the moment as it used to be…so…might be a mite envious?
Let’s see…I found the video of the golden retriever and the baby bunnies yesterday, which was awesome. Today, I’m working out in the garden (fresh air), while listening to tunes, which also means I’ll be drinking a shitload of water today. Finally got a trim the other day, but not a full cut, because Mrs. Butcher forgot how much she likes my hair long, so that’s definitely a win! I generally meditate for about 5-10 minutes a day, although I will confess to having let that slack off recently. Not so much with the writing nice things about myself–I do better with being of service to others rather than being my own cheering section. So, all things considered, I’ve got most of that list covered.
Plus, I’m having ice cream today, so beat that!
From the Guardian article:
On Friday, NBC reported that the White House is preparing to change its messaging on the coronavirus, to tell Americans it simply has to be lived with.
Really? That’s the “plan”? That’s what the big-brained supergenius came up with? I wonder how all the senior citizens are going to feel about being sacrificed for Trump. I also note that this “strategy” is pretty much “surrender,” which is at odds with Trump’s “victory” proclamation.
…pretty much?
…that was where I was going with the “just learn to live with the things that live to kill you” thing when I threw that nbc link into the bottom of saturday’s DOT, anyway…he doesn’t want to hear about it anymore & he for damn sure doesn’t want to be the face of thing so now he’s got his campaign to give him that dopamine hit he doesn’t even want anything to do with the the press briefings about the pandemic
…the whole thing comes off somewhere between a petulant shrug & a full attempt to bury his head in the sand in the hope that it’ll somehow go away…either way he sounds like he literally doesn’t want to have anything to do with it any more because he doesn’t like that it keeps making him look bad & somehow plans to personally just not mention it from here on out…which is…pretty much par for that particular course?
“I’ll hide my head under the covers until the coronavirus monsters go away.” – D. Trump.
The Guardian article also notes that the Trump Regime has been working to keep Fauci out of the public eye, to reduce the embarrassment factor.
Also, “just live with it” would probably work better if Republican governors took simple steps, like mandating masks, etc. But of course they don’t want to.
The phrase “mixed messaging” doesn’t really begin to cover this.
I read RIP’s nbcnews link and I find it pretty difficult to believe they’ll actually adopt a ‘we need to live with it’ message. in the mountain of bad ideas this sits on the top. no, no, it’s too good to be true…
…it’s easy to go to town about how dumb it is but I suspect it breaks down a little different in practice?
…so if I had to guess (& leaving aside the bit where his orangeness played any part directly in the thing beyond refusing to take the hit of standing there like the ass he is talking the line he thinks his voters want to hear) I figure it plays like this…more or less
…where everything down-ticket is concerned the GOP ticket needs room to distance itself from him where that stuff is concerned…so they can make some moves that might not kill quite so many of their own voters…after all if things keep spiking for the next few months to march in lockstep with his bleach-drinking rhetoric is potentially suicidal in terms of their hold on the Senate…let alone holding any kind of line in the other House
…but if the covid briefings get distanced from the fatuous face itself…well then he doesn’t have to act like they’re throwing it in his face when they follow a different line
…meanwhile his precious base & its love of a low-information lifestyle can continue to hang on his every word…& he can keep talking that shit…because he thinks it plays well with the sort of maskless crowds that he can still draw…meagre though we all hope they are these days
…it’s basically your standard bit of two-faced say-one-thing-do-another schtick that passes for SOP where the GOP is concerned…& if you squint just right you could even try to claim it was astute given what they have to work with?
…then again…this is mango unchained we’re talking about, here…so he could very well double down on it, too…that way they can bang the drum about the health of the economy being more important than the health of the citizenry…there’s a pretty broad swathe of republican voters who equate the health of the economy with the health of the nation rather than the literal or metaphorical health of the society…let alone those who make up the bulk of the populace
…& apparently not one of them knows what the fuck irony is
and the older ‘good as hell’ video: