Seems Dr. Trump earned his medical degree at Trump University.
His prescribed treatment before the bleach injection:
Before you listen to Dr. Trump though:
Citing a “primary outcome” of death, researchers cut short a study testing anti-malaria drug chloroquine as a potential treatment for Covid-19 after some patients developed irregular heart beats and nearly two dozen died after taking doses daily.
Scientists say the findings, published Friday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, should prompt some degree of skepticism from the public toward enthusiastic claims and perhaps “serve to curb the exuberant use” of the drug, which has been touted by President Donald Trump as a potential “game changer” in the fight against the coronavirus. …
The New York Times previously reported that the trial was halted over safety concerns, but the full details of the study weren’t revealed until they were published Friday. …
Berkeley Lovelace Jr. @ CNBC
Take it. Take it. What’s the worst that could happen?
No longer any doubt that Trump followers are part of a death cult. I’m pretty sure we will be recommending purple Kool-Aid by the end of the weekend.
Shout out to the American President for getting even more people killed than is necessary. He sure added a few more bodies to the pile, since he thinks only 200,000 dying would mean he’s doing a bang up job.
Well, it’s not 250,000 people. Winning!
Doesn’t matter. Nothing will change and more people who don’t need the drug will die, and more people who do need the drug will probably die for not having access to it. We need to fully accept the fact that it doesn’t matter what Trump says or does–he will always be believed by a large enough portion of the population (and get enough free passes from the media), and will therefore incur zero consequences, much less blame.
No comment needed.
Damn! They were so ahead of their time!
At least if his idiot followers follow his advice this time, they won’t be depleting a limited resource that people with a legitimate medical condition need to treat their condition…
I’m curious (but not brave enough to look) how are his followers justify the cloroquine and bleach injection fiascos?
I don’t understand how he commands the kind of loyalty he does. He’s a buffoon, he’s been a punchline since the 80’s. Why does anyone think he has the answers to anything?
I can’t understand it too… I remember seeing him on TV before he entered politics and hating him…
Same reason why a lot of folks voted for W. The “He’s just like me (except rich)!” syndrome.
He says the things they want to say and does the things they want to do. Their ideas of what leadership is haven’t progressed beyond the school bully in that biggest thug is the boss which is why so many love the loud mouth jackass boss even though he (and it’s usually a he) is typically a fucking dolt much like the stereotypical sportsbawl coach. See the cult of personality surrounding guys like Jerry Jones, Al Davis, Bobby Knight, etc.
People like that are drawn to assholes like moths to a flame. I wish I could elaborate more, but I’m dead tired.
They are claiming the bleach thing is sarcasm! Hahaha. And we were all too stupid to see!
I don’t have to convince you this, but it was indeed not sarcasm.
he’s the fucking president; not the comedian in chief. people are dying. spare us the sarcasm dumbass…
this is not directed towards you. I know the disclaimer isn’t necessary. I just wanted to be sure!–and-his-administration-scrambles-to-stop-people-from-injecting-disinfectants/2020/04/24/77759238-8644-11ea-a3eb-e9fc93160703_story.html
not only they are up to their necks busy trying to keep people alive, now they have to spend time to tell people what the chief comedian in training is saying is bullshit…
god, what a moron…
He is such a danger to the world and an embarrassment. Emily Post would not approve.
“The primary outcome is death.” That should be the Trump Regime’s slogan.
it’s a nice nickname too. a bit long but good!
My mom and I were lamenting how stupid he is, and I decided I think that the idea of people committing suicide because they listened to him turns him on. I think he’d like it if his followers killed themselves in his name.
new justification!–and-his-administration-scrambles-to-stop-people-from-injecting-disinfectants/2020/04/24/77759238-8644-11ea-a3eb-e9fc93160703_story.html