Evening Plans? [NOT 25/12/20]

image of cozy fireplace
I don't know who uploaded this image to the media library, but thank you whomever it was

Hello friends!

I hope everyone got through the day and is settling in for the rest of the night/weekend. What are you up to?

I’m drinking prosecco and watching the new Wonder Woman movie. And eating cookies. Because if I’m going to drunk-watch a movie with women kicking ass and taking names, cookies should be involved.



  1. eh…. its past 1 am here
    so my plan is to at some point go to bed
    as odds are ill wake up again by 7
    also..id argue if you are going to watch anything
    you need bugles and cream cheese

    • I don’t have any bugles, but if I did I’d smear them in cream cheese. That sounds good. 

      • cream cheese and bugles is a eurovision favourite in this household
        (i actually stuff the bugles with cream cheese tho)
        (kind of a pain in the arse….but oh so tasty)

      • /me is snack provider for eurovision as i enjoy that shit more than watching it….i love running about fixing foodibles and listening to everyone slag off everything
        but….with a couple exceptions..largely dont care for eurovision

    • I always think Bugles are best when you take ten and put them on your fingertips and act like you have claws.

      • they dont fit on my fingertips 🙁
        im a little oversized

        • If you stuff them with enough cream cheese they’ll stick.

  2. I already watched it. Wanna know what happens. . . ?

    • what happens in what?
      who are we talking about?

    • Despite a glaring lack of understanding of archaeology and inaccurate depiction of Egyptian citizens, it was a lovely movie.

      • Do you wish you’d seen it at the theater, though. . . ?

        • would I have preferred to spend $11 on a ticket and then $10 on snacks to watch a movie vs. sprawling on my couch with a large glass of wine?

          no, no I would not have

  3. We had a quiet day with several interactions with friends and family. A dear friend called to chat while opening gifts and popping some champagne; various in-laws called, and one brother-in-law did a distanced drive by to say hello. My son texted me live footage of a herd of deer running in the woods behind their home, and photos of them all wearing the family pajamas we got them (adorable). I am now snuggled in with the four dogs, reading fluffy novels. Not too shabby. And so much less work and expense than the normal cleaning, cooking for 14+ guests, and then the clean up. Looking at the silver lining, the virus gave me a year off of hosting responsibilities. Merry Christmas to each of you, may all your wishes come true in 2021.

    • Fairly quiet here too except Fanny is desperately trying to play with my daughter’s cat who is not interested. Poor hound dog.

  4. Just finally got up and showered.  Cooking some lentils and rice tonight, and just going to be playing computer games (just bought a few off of GOG.com today…), maybe watch some Hulu.
    tried making the chicken cordon bleu that @Elliecoo posted about earlier this year.  I think I got the wrong type of chicken meat?  was difficult to roll up, and that just made everything else difficult, and twixt the chicken and melted butter, I think I washed my hands over a dozen times.  Wasn’t bad at all, but wasn’t anything resembling what it was supposed to be…  I’ve got three more I’ll try cooking over the upcoming week, I might need to raise the heat on the oven?  Also, I think all the cheese melted and flowed out, not sure if that’s because I wrapped them wrong, or just too long in the oven (~50 minutes to get internal temp up to ~165ish)

    • @Lochaber, yikes! You want the very flat thin breasts, no more than 1/2 inch thick. That should enable  you to roll them up, dip them in butter, then the the bread crumbs. Bake in preheated oven as per time specified. Or…you will get the same taste if you layer in a greased baking dish the chicken, then the ham, then the cheese, then sprinkle the breadcrumbs on top. Same thing, I would say maybe 30 minutes at 350 degrees. I am going to need ask Myo to put in a FYCE helpline like the turkey counsel has for over the holidays. Let me know how attempt two goes…this is taste enough to give a second chance.

      • Yeah, I think I definitely got the wrong chicken, probably closer to ~1″ thick at the thickest part. 
        Maybe I’ll try flat cooking them, I imagine that might reduce the cooking time as well, thanks for the help/advice, it’s appreciated.  🙂
        I’m just trying to decide if I should try and do two tomorrow, or just one with some brussel sprouts or potatoes or something…

        • If you want to try again with the chicken you have, place the chicken breast between two sheets of plastic wrap (like you’re making a chicken breast sandwich) and flatten them to make them thinner. I do this all the time: the supermarkets here are tiny so the selection, while of good quality, is very limited. To flatten the chicken breast, get out your meat mallet or, if you don’t have one, take a heavy pot and press as forcefully as you can. The chicken shouldn’t break apart, it will get thinner and spread a bit. You can do this with all kinds of meat, by the way. A lot of recipes prefer cuts that might be thinner than what you have.

          • thanks, that  didn’t even occur to me.  Maybe I’ll unwrap one of them and give that a try tonight.

      • @elliecoo
        tried the laying them flat thing, and that seemed to work out okay.  good enough for me that I probably wont bother with Cousin Matthew’s Tingling leg’s suggestion of pounding them flat (but will certainly keep that in mind for next time…) for the remaining two.
        srsly, thanks for the help, both of yous.  it really makes a huge difference to someone like me who can adequately heat food to kill parasites and pathogens, but hasn’t a clue what to do to make it less unpalatable…

        • Yippee! If you enjoyed it; I  count it as a win!

  5. My morning was pretty busy with running around to drop off presents to people but the rest of the day has been pretty relaxed. I’ve been watching Schitts Creek and applying coats of polyurethane to the bathroom vanity I refinished this week. I think I’m done for the day and will hopefully finish it tomorrow. The rest of the evening is going to be spent cuddling with Cosmosito, drinking hard seltzer and watching more Schitts Creek. 

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