Favorite Internet Memes [NOT 4/3/23]

A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme.

From Wiki

My personal favorites:

Batman slapping Robin

Holy inappropriate Robin

The angry Housewife (TM) of where ever and a pissed off cat.

Showing off the diverse weirdness that is the Internets.



  1. Completely unrelated to memes, all the yard work was totally worth it! I saw a lil snake friend in some mulch who was like “excusssse me I’ll jussssst sssslither away and go eat sssssome wormssss.”

      • A few times I’ve found baby garter snakes in my yard that were the size of earthworms. I thought they were earthworms at first until I saw the little forked tongues flitting out and realized what they were.

        Little enough to fit in my hand, and I’m no fan of snakes, but they were just so so cute.

      • I don’t know about other snakes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if garter snakes or corn snakes were opportunistic enough to enjoy a chonky earthworm.

        This teeny danger noodle was one of these —


        Which their main diet appears to be earthworms. Of which my yard is teeming with because I don’t use any yard chemicals and the previous owner was a volunteer at the Missouri Botanical Gardens and from what I can gather, she didn’t either. Anyways, yay earthworms!

  2. I haven’t come across or actively sought this one out for a few years now, but the fake subtitles from that one scene in Downfall could sometimes be absurdly funny, sure.

    Here’s one that was made from a different scene. . . .

  3. …I have a soft spot for a variety of riffs along a theme you could triangulate around, say, this one

    …but…I worry…I’m not as young as I was…& I might end up getting tripped up by misplaced enthusiasm & making some sort of meme-based contextual faux pas?

    …still…some of them will presumably be evergreen, right?

    • i think one day we can all rest easy knowing nobody knows what anyones talking about

      ignorance is bliss…

      on that note tho….is youtube pushing roma for any of yous?

      i dont need a female anti feminist in my play list is all im saying

      i can defend myself…. really… im a white straight male…its not hard

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