There is so much to ponder about this. This is a “who what why” recipe. It made its way into our lives in Isaac Hayes’s Cooking With Heart & Soul (2000), and Isaac Hayes did voice the role of Chef on “South Park”, so maybe this makes sense. Ultimately his Scientologist co-believers convinced him to leave the show (yes, Isaac Hayes was one of many in a long line of Hollywood Scientologists) thus severely cutting off his income stream, and he’d already declared bankruptcy once, in the 1970s, in a dispute with the equally bankrupted Stax records…
For a minute, let’s return to Cooking With Heart & Soul. It also features recipes by noted Scientologists Anne Archer (“Homemade Spaghetti”) and John Travolta (“Hamburger Royale with Cheese”), so from this we can glean that Scientologists are not vegetarians, whatever else they might be.
I have actually made this recipe, to the letter, and it turned out pretty well. I made it for six, because Cornish hens are fairly small and you can do them all at once in the oven, but here’s the original recipe, which serves two. While I was roasting and basting away I made Better Half play this song, of course we have it on CD:
Can you dig it? Isaac Hayes had 14 children, so he [redacted for immature schoolboy humor beneath the dignity of a Celebrity Sunday Matinee post.]
2 Cornish hens
1/4 cup butter, plus butter to rub on hens
2/3 cup boiling water
Grated rind of 1/2 lemon
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1/2 cup orange juice
1/3 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
2 eggs, separated
1 teaspoon vanilla
Place hens breast side up on a rack in a roasting pan. Rub them with salt and butter. Roast at 350 degrees F. for 30 minutes per pound, basting frequently with 1/4 cup butter melted in 2/3 cup boiling water. Turn hens often. While they’re cooking, make sauce. Mix the rind, fruit juices, sugar, salt and beaten egg yolks in a saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Add egg whites. Beat the sauce until stiff. Cool and add vanilla. Serve hens with sauce. Serves 2.
So you see, this isn’t very difficult, although I thought the sauce was a little too sugary-citrus-y. Our dinner guests seemed to enjoy it. If I ever do this again I think I will make a toned down orange glaze and cut down on the sugar and eliminate the vanilla. The other thing is when you make/serve Cornish hens you wind up with a lot of bones, so make sure to use plates with an ample space for you and your guests to put them aside. I served this with long-grain rice, because of the almost tropical theme of the sauce, but usually when I make Cornish hens (which isn’t often) I go full John Bull and serve with some kind of potatoes and baby carrots.
I always figured the Scientology folks bankrolled him so they could be like “look, see, we have 1 black friend, we’re totally NOT racist.”
I have that exact same outfit in my closet and I just found out it still fits.
The nice thing is it’s an all-weather outfit, just wrap the cape around you if you feel chilly/frozen, it will keep you warm.
What are the odds Hayes, Archer, Travolta or any of them read a single word of their recipes or even saw any of these dishes prepared?
I’ve read that Vincent Price was a serious cook and he may well have had a hand in what appeared under his name. James Beard, however, was notorious for barely being involved in his cookbooks beyond the promotion.
I have absolutely no doubt that Vincent (and his wife Mary) were exceptional cooks. Price was also a noted and gifted art collector. I wouldn’t doubt that about James Beard.
As it turns out I’m cooking from Ismail Merchant’s cookbook right now and he seems pretty knowledgable about Indian food in a way I wouldn’t assume every upper crust Indian man was, but the book seems like it might involve more than he developed on his own.
Please tell me that the recipe for Chocolate Salty Balls is in this book!!!!
I had absolutely no idea that he ever performed that song live. At Glastonbury no less!
Alright, let’s add my absence from that event to my ever-growing list of regrets I’ll take to the grave. Hayes was 60 when that performance was filmed. I didn’t look that good when I was 30.
I guess no one wanted Ann Archer’s version of Hassenpfeffer.
*pictures isaac hayes chasing cornish hens set to yakkity sax*
i think ive found my happy place