Did this week feel really long or was it just me?
Maybe it is Zoom overload. Anyhow, it’s Friday, which means the weekend is here and hopefully we can all relax a bit.
Just a regular Thursday in ‘Merica
Sixth-grade girl shoots three at Idaho middle school
Wait people are going to Everest rn?
Covid reached Everest base camp. Now climbers are trying to prevent its spread amid a record season.
After the 2020 climbing season was canceled, this year a record number of 408 expedition permits have been issued for the peak, leaving climbers to work out rules to contain the spread of the virus. Now growing concerns of a coronavirus outbreak at the mountain cast doubt on the safety of climbers and locals after multiple people were evacuated from base camp and later tested positive for the virus.
Thanks to anti-vaxxers the CDC has to spend time on this:
Sprots! [This is really sad, and I don’t even know anything about any of these people.]
Austin police: Texas LB Jake Ehlinger, younger brother of Sam Ehlinger, found dead
Biden open to 25% corporate tax rate as part of an infrastructure bill compromise
Are you freaking kidding me? “It’s fine”?
This is 17 minutes long, but it’s Friday what else do you have to do?
Have a great day!
The Rangers were absolutely correct… other than calling for Parros to be removed from his position in a formal statement.
As a Flyers fan, it’s difficult to ever agree with the Rangers, but, yea, they got fucked on this one.
Cheeto is reading this thinking why can’t the gubmint work like the NHL?
Off topic: I’m a Rangers fan but hanging on to Lundqvist way past his sell by date annoyed me. That and the shabby way Rick Nash was treated. I love Rick Nash and NY fans wanted 40 goals a season and couldn’t see any of the good things he did on the ice. Yankee fans are doing the same thing with Stanton, he’s leading the team in RBI’s but they only care about the long ball.
I’m a secret Tom Wilson fan so this hurts to say but … yeah, he should have gotten a way worse punishment and the Rangers are absolutely correct to call it out.
As I’ve been saying since 1997: Can we get rid of Gary Bettman yet?
Also, if you’re out Saturday, pack an umbrella just in case.
Thank you for the update on Mrs. Mallard and her 11 children.
Sharks are VERY common. Years ago a friend dated a guy at Embry Riddle Aeronautical School (or whatever it is now) and one of his housemates flew banner planes over Daytona Beach (you know, the ones that would pull signs saying “Eat at Joe’s Crabshack” or whatever). He said the number of sharks in the water was horrifying, and people had no idea. Mostly because sharks truly do not give a fuck about us unless it’s a very unusual situation or mistaken identity (they think you’re a seal or something).
I’ve swam with sharks and surfed with sharks around me and am not really afraid of them but when it comes to near my kids…that is a different story!
*lives smugly in Illinois*
Literally everything I’ve ever read or heard about mountaineers, particularly Everest climbers, suggests that they are more than a little crazy. Y’know, to use the proper medical term.
My friend and I will read anything about mountaineers, we joke that sitting by the fire sipping tea reading about people dying on Everest is our favorite sport. Yes, it’s very macabre, but summit fever is a real thing, and whether it is diminished capacity because of lack of oxygen or ego, people keep going long after they should have turned back. Most modern Everest climbers aren’t even mountaineers, they are just people rich enough to afford a guide, the sherpas do all the work, sometimes even hauling people up the mountain [sandy pittman].
Oh, and don’t ever go climbing with Joe Simpson, that’s our life motto.
I’ve always thought it would be fun to look at Everest, from a nice warm lodge or something while sipping bourbon, but I have no desire to start trudging up it. Or to pay sherpas to drag me up it.
Plus all the dead bodies along the slopes would be freaky as hell. Last count I saw there was something like 150 bodies scattered around, and I think like twice that many have died. Sure, sign me up.
Another gift of global warming is the dead are resurfacing as the snow melts.
It’s just so … bizarre. These people try to accomplish something that I guess they feel will make them special, and they die and most of them are left in total anonymity. The Green Boots body is particularly poignant. “Well, we think it’s this guy but maybe it’s this guy …”
Worse is what happened to David Sharpe, people walked by as he lay dying next to Green Boots. I get that at altitude you need to focus on saving yourself but to be so fixated on the summit that you fail to even notice another climber in distress? Very rarely will a climber give up his bid for the summit to help another climber. It’s a fascinating reality of human nature.
Yeah, I saw that one too. Like I said, these people are crazy.
The dead and poop bags!!
When I used to work in AK, I was able to see Denali from 30 miles away. It was so massive that it took up the entire horizon from that point. Professional climbers die on that mountain every year, and it’s not famous enough for rich assholes to just buy their way up there. Seeing it from a relatively close distance was good enough for me.
I knew a guy who spent a month on Denali [and two weeks in a tent with some other guys] waiting for a summit window. I think he stuck to the Whites after that.
I used to hike alot until my body had other ideas but was always content with a 4,000 footer. It always took way longer than the mountain guide predicted because we would stop to id plants and birds. That’s what is lacking I think, an appreciation of the whole experience not just bagging a summit and checking it off a list.
I had a friend that also tried to summit Denali and spent a week waiting for a window before turning around and snowboarding down. My wife and her brother were going to summit Rainier for her 40th birthday, they trained for months but never did it. Both are afraid of heights so not sure how the crevasse crossing was going to happen. The whole mountain is full of sketchy crossings that people die in every year.
Yeah, fuck that! I made it about 1/3 up Rainier with no intention of summiting just to snowboard back down to say I did it. I was much younger and stupider back then.
Yeah, the weather at Denali is notoriously unpredictable. It’s so massive that it essentially creates its own weather. Only about 30% of the visitors to Denali ever get to see the mountain clearly–the rest of the time it is surrounded by clouds. I worked there every summer for four years and I only saw it a handful of times.
I read Into Thin Air by John Krakauer and that’s all I need to know about Everest.
Classic! But then you need to read Anatoli Boukreev’s retort, The Climb.
Everest books are a rabbit hole for sure.
I remember I watched this movie as a kid but have very little recollection of the actual movie…
Yeah as someone who has spent almost my entire life at between 200 and 600 feet above sea level, I have zero interest in climbing mountains ever.
@Loveshaq – you must have seen this! How freaking cool. I’d be like, fine take the deck, I’ll just sit here and enjoy the show!
I did see that. I’m with you, sit back and enjoy it. I have never seen a California condor but did see an Andean condor in a zoo in Brazil. Largest bird I could have ever imagined…
If you want to see Andean condors in the wild – go to Macchu Picchu really early in the morning. Less crowds and you can look down on them because they fly in the valley below.
It’s Fur Face Friday!
speaking of fur face friday, never let your wet white dog roll in the grass!
should be just cut grass.
Wow, lol! That’s gonna be hard to wash off.
What, that’s not an Irish setter?
Is it horrible that the first thought I had with the Idaho school shooting was “huh it’s a girl, how weird”?