woohoo! not dead yet!
anyhoos..i dont have much to talk about…
this year has been a cunt….im hurting broken and bruised
but still breathing
heres to better things 🙂
Happy New Year dear Deadsplinterites. I am spending the evenings doing nothing, watching out for the four small dogs as the fireworks continue to go off. Maybe I should at least make a celebratory drink? As others here have said, I suspect it will be at least 6 to 9 months until we can safely socialize again. I kinda miss people (or at least people watching).
…I remember new years where I was happy to party clear through breakfast but after this last year I’m not sure I could be bothered to so much as stand up to wave the thing off?
[…probably should have put that in the DUAN but I kind of missed that boat tonight?]
I’ve been noshing on some red and green tortilla chips and seven-layer dip (both leftover from Christmas), some Dads oatmeal scotch cookies and Mexican Coke, myself.
…I kind of aspire to knowing enough places where the fried chicken is unusually good to have a choice between the one that’s best for take out & the one I’d stay at to eat
…it implies considerably more discernment than I generally display when it comes to getting fried chicken for a start?
I’ve been craving “Chinese**” for weeks now, so we ordered a bunch of food from here, and I ran over to the other side of the city to get it.
It’s the place we used to order from, when we lived in Nordeast, and it’s STILL the best place i know for dumplings, and the spot that spoiled me for Orange Chicken forever, because theirs is seriously THE BEST I’ve had, and has both flavor and heat😉
Our order was… large.
Because I got ALLTHETHINGS that I’ve been craving (Singapore mei fun, Cream Cheese Puffs, Fried Dumplings, Orange Chicken, shrimp toasts, AND “House Special Bread”)
The Roommies got a couple things each, so we’ll be eating Chinese for at least the next couple days😉😁🤤🥰
It’s been a good way to say F-YOU!!!! to last year, and start *this* one.
Not quite as fun as the people-watching we got to do as we rang in 2020–although, I’m glad that 2020 is OVER.
Even if–like most of y’all have already said–not much changes…
But at least the shitshow year is finished.
Happy New Year, to all of y’all here at Deadsplinter, may the year bring you good things, good health, and just general GOOD😉😁💖💞💗💓💕
**the American version of Chinese food!😉😂🤣
You know–“that menu” that barely varies, no matter which part of the US you’re in…
It is often owned & run by an Asian family–and around here, you’ll typically see the family’s younger kids doing their homework, or playing at one of the “out of the way” booths, while mom & dad (and sometimes the older siblings) are taking orders, serving customers, or cooking😉
Tonight, I met the 2-ish year old cutie of the family who has the resto we ordered takeout from–she was ADORABLE, and VERY friendly!
She’s an absolute little peanut of a kiddo, who was playing with her toy phone, and I thiiiink checking up to make sure my order was ok–after she wandered on over, after hopping down from the spot in the kitchen where she’d been watching the grownups cooking😉😃🤗💖
That sounds like our Christmas Eve Chinese food order! I ordered so much food that the guy on the phone was like, “That’s a lot of food. That’s gonna feed like, 12 people.” And I just laughed and said there were a bunch of teenagers and there wouldn’t be that much leftover, and ordered 3 more things. I was right, too… we had leftovers for 2 days, and then it was all gone.
We made chocolate chip cookies, both gf/df and regular ones, and other than that there’s been candy, baked bbq potato chips, and beef jerky. Health food!
We did make real food for the kids… honey-soy-garlic pork chops with wild rice and frozen mixed veg. But the adults ate total crap all day.
I dunno about the men’s skinny jeans, but the women’s skinny jeans have lots of stretchy fabric to make it work. Also makes them wear out faster because they aren’t all denim, but whatevs.
those skinny leg jeans were pretty popular with the hipsters (fuckin hipsters…) over here a good decade or so ago.
I don’t want to get all body-shaming and such, but talk about skipping leg day…
And before there were skinny jeans there were impossibly narrow knee-high boots for women. Most women wondered how you were supposed to fit into them. The sarcastic “solution”? You were to be borne everywhere on a litter until your calf muscles entirely degenerated.
They’ve been a thing for all of the 21st century thus far and they aren’t going anywhere, unfortunately. However, styles like straight leg, cropped flare, and even bootcut have been making comebacks for 5+ years now. And, stupidly enough, mom jeans and high-waisted pants that give one a wedgie are stubbornly just about all you can find in shops as well.
Police are evacuating part of the downtown area of my city. I don’t know why. One news agency is reporting bomb robots on the site. I hope it’s a hoax and not another lone wolf white dude with a victim complex.
Hmm…. For some reason, I’m unable to log in on the DUAN page, so I’ll leave this here, as it’s a last-minute FU 2020 managed to sneak in under the buzzer: Rest in Power, MF DOOM:
Thanks so much, mp. It looks to be fixed on the other page now.
And just to be clear, I’m cursing the news of MF DOOM’s death, not the login glitch. I appreciate this site so much, hiccups and all. Thank you to everyone who works on DS.
So… I broke my pinky toe literally one minute into the new year. A metal folding chair that was leaning against the wall fell onto it. One of those pains that was so sharp and bright, it made me nauseous. Once I caught my breath, though, all I could do was laugh… how f’ing typical of my life is that?? I guess 2020 just had to give me a parting gift.
Oh Smacks!!!!
Ugggggggh, 2020 has the WOOOOOORRRRRRST parting gifts!
2021 was supposed to stop that schiz!
I hope that it heals quickly, that pain relievers work!!
Aleve & “deciding that it’s not gonna hurt” after I wake up a bit typically does the trick for that stuff here–unless it’s physically bumped or hit… but iirc, you’re dealing with Fibro& other assorted health things, so I don’t know if you’re able to do the “stupid human trick”(😉) like we talked about aaaaages ago, like I know *at least one* of your kiddos & i do with our pain/broken stuff.
I hope it heals QUICKLY, and doesn’t make anything ELSE hurt/sore/worse, if you need to change your range of motion to accommodate💞💕💓💗💖
Thanks, Em 🙂 yeah, it’s on the side with my bad (well… worse) hip, so I’m just limping along a little more carefully! Got it taped and have been icing it on and off since it happened. It’s actually not that painful, so it must have been a clean break… not the first time I’ve broken a toe, and at least this one didn’t need to be set.
It’s just so hilariously stupid and typical of my life for it to happen just then, I had to share!
woohoo! not dead yet!
anyhoos..i dont have much to talk about…
this year has been a cunt….im hurting broken and bruised
but still breathing
heres to better things 🙂
Happy New Year to all Deadsplinterers!
happy new year mate 🙂
Happy New Year dear Deadsplinterites. I am spending the evenings doing nothing, watching out for the four small dogs as the fireworks continue to go off. Maybe I should at least make a celebratory drink? As others here have said, I suspect it will be at least 6 to 9 months until we can safely socialize again. I kinda miss people (or at least people watching).
…I remember new years where I was happy to party clear through breakfast but after this last year I’m not sure I could be bothered to so much as stand up to wave the thing off?
[…probably should have put that in the DUAN but I kind of missed that boat tonight?]
Anybody having good snackage tonight? I’m enjoying gummy bears and fritos (not together).
I’ve been noshing on some red and green tortilla chips and seven-layer dip (both leftover from Christmas), some Dads oatmeal scotch cookies and Mexican Coke, myself.
Fancy! I was going to get some fried chicken earlier from Gus’s but I wasn’t hungry for a meal.
Ehh, I tend to prefer Porter’s, myself. Or Hodak’s, if I actually feel like sitting down at eating at the place.
…I kind of aspire to knowing enough places where the fried chicken is unusually good to have a choice between the one that’s best for take out & the one I’d stay at to eat
…it implies considerably more discernment than I generally display when it comes to getting fried chicken for a start?
I think we had one of those open up here just before the pandemic…
I think they are still open and doing take-out, but I haven’t tried tried them yet.
I’ve been craving “Chinese**” for weeks now, so we ordered a bunch of food from here, and I ran over to the other side of the city to get it.
It’s the place we used to order from, when we lived in Nordeast, and it’s STILL the best place i know for dumplings, and the spot that spoiled me for Orange Chicken forever, because theirs is seriously THE BEST I’ve had, and has both flavor and heat😉
Our order was… large.
Because I got ALLTHETHINGS that I’ve been craving (Singapore mei fun, Cream Cheese Puffs, Fried Dumplings, Orange Chicken, shrimp toasts, AND “House Special Bread”)
The Roommies got a couple things each, so we’ll be eating Chinese for at least the next couple days😉😁🤤🥰
It’s been a good way to say F-YOU!!!! to last year, and start *this* one.
Not quite as fun as the people-watching we got to do as we rang in 2020–although, I’m glad that 2020 is OVER.
Even if–like most of y’all have already said–not much changes…
But at least the shitshow year is finished.
Happy New Year, to all of y’all here at Deadsplinter, may the year bring you good things, good health, and just general GOOD😉😁💖💞💗💓💕
**the American version of Chinese food!😉😂🤣
You know–“that menu” that barely varies, no matter which part of the US you’re in…
It is often owned & run by an Asian family–and around here, you’ll typically see the family’s younger kids doing their homework, or playing at one of the “out of the way” booths, while mom & dad (and sometimes the older siblings) are taking orders, serving customers, or cooking😉
Tonight, I met the 2-ish year old cutie of the family who has the resto we ordered takeout from–she was ADORABLE, and VERY friendly!
She’s an absolute little peanut of a kiddo, who was playing with her toy phone, and I thiiiink checking up to make sure my order was ok–after she wandered on over, after hopping down from the spot in the kitchen where she’d been watching the grownups cooking😉😃🤗💖
That sounds like our Christmas Eve Chinese food order! I ordered so much food that the guy on the phone was like, “That’s a lot of food. That’s gonna feed like, 12 people.” And I just laughed and said there were a bunch of teenagers and there wouldn’t be that much leftover, and ordered 3 more things. I was right, too… we had leftovers for 2 days, and then it was all gone.
We made chocolate chip cookies, both gf/df and regular ones, and other than that there’s been candy, baked bbq potato chips, and beef jerky. Health food!
We did make real food for the kids… honey-soy-garlic pork chops with wild rice and frozen mixed veg. But the adults ate total crap all day.
on the note of whatever tho…
how come skinny jeans are all the rage now?
how do people get their legs that skinny?
half of me would struggle to fit
I dunno about the men’s skinny jeans, but the women’s skinny jeans have lots of stretchy fabric to make it work. Also makes them wear out faster because they aren’t all denim, but whatevs.
those skinny leg jeans were pretty popular with the hipsters (fuckin hipsters…) over here a good decade or so ago.
I don’t want to get all body-shaming and such, but talk about skipping leg day…
And before there were skinny jeans there were impossibly narrow knee-high boots for women. Most women wondered how you were supposed to fit into them. The sarcastic “solution”? You were to be borne everywhere on a litter until your calf muscles entirely degenerated.
They’ve been a thing for all of the 21st century thus far and they aren’t going anywhere, unfortunately. However, styles like straight leg, cropped flare, and even bootcut have been making comebacks for 5+ years now. And, stupidly enough, mom jeans and high-waisted pants that give one a wedgie are stubbornly just about all you can find in shops as well.
Happy new year everyone. I hope that everyone stays healthy and safe in the new year, but there are a lot of challenges up ahead.
Happy New Year, everyone. Here’s hoping 2021 brings us better times.
We should have known 2020 is, in hindsight, always a bad idea.
Happy New Year everyone!
We’re rounding another corner.
More like cornering another round. . . .
Happy New Year, y’all! Here’s to better times!
Police are evacuating part of the downtown area of my city. I don’t know why. One news agency is reporting bomb robots on the site. I hope it’s a hoax and not another lone wolf white dude with a victim complex.
Never mind, it’s already been cleared. An RV was parked in an area, bomb dog alerted LE but the vehicle was searched, no bomb. Better safe than sorry.
Well fuck. I hope it’s a hoax.
False alarm fortunately.
Hmm…. For some reason, I’m unable to log in on the DUAN page, so I’ll leave this here, as it’s a last-minute FU 2020 managed to sneak in under the buzzer:
Rest in Power, MF DOOM:
…oh, FFS 20/20…you absolute degenerate bastard’s bastard of a year
…is there some way to put a steak through the heart of 2020?
…because I don’t want the only rational option to be to nuke the site from orbit just to be sure
should be fixed for you now. pls feel free to @ pm or email me when this type of stuff happens…i should have it all fixed up before 2022 at least.
Thanks so much, mp. It looks to be fixed on the other page now.
And just to be clear, I’m cursing the news of MF DOOM’s death, not the login glitch. I appreciate this site so much, hiccups and all. Thank you to everyone who works on DS.
Woo! Happy new year!
So… I broke my pinky toe literally one minute into the new year. A metal folding chair that was leaning against the wall fell onto it. One of those pains that was so sharp and bright, it made me nauseous. Once I caught my breath, though, all I could do was laugh… how f’ing typical of my life is that?? I guess 2020 just had to give me a parting gift.
fuckin hell…
I don’t even know what to say… At least it wasn’t the big toe? Hopefully you’ve got the worst over and done with?
I hope this is the worst thing that happens in 2021!
Oh no!!!!
You just taping it to the next toe and taking NSAIDs? Or is it bad enough a break that you need to see a doctor?
Just taping and icing it. It’s puffy and bruised, but actually doesn’t hurt that much now. I just couldn’t believe that happened!
Oh Smacks!!!!
Ugggggggh, 2020 has the WOOOOOORRRRRRST parting gifts!
2021 was supposed to stop that schiz!
I hope that it heals quickly, that pain relievers work!!
Aleve & “deciding that it’s not gonna hurt” after I wake up a bit typically does the trick for that stuff here–unless it’s physically bumped or hit… but iirc, you’re dealing with Fibro& other assorted health things, so I don’t know if you’re able to do the “stupid human trick”(😉) like we talked about aaaaages ago, like I know *at least one* of your kiddos & i do with our pain/broken stuff.
I hope it heals QUICKLY, and doesn’t make anything ELSE hurt/sore/worse, if you need to change your range of motion to accommodate💞💕💓💗💖
Thanks, Em 🙂 yeah, it’s on the side with my bad (well… worse) hip, so I’m just limping along a little more carefully! Got it taped and have been icing it on and off since it happened. It’s actually not that painful, so it must have been a clean break… not the first time I’ve broken a toe, and at least this one didn’t need to be set.
It’s just so hilariously stupid and typical of my life for it to happen just then, I had to share!