Fur Face Friday on Saturday

The Faithful Hound

Welcome to the very first edition of Fur Face Friday on Saturday! We don’t quite know where this is going but we know where we want it to go…to a weekly DS post – with plenty of contributors – involving furry, or not so furry, pets/animals.

For those who aren’t familiar with Fur Face Friday, @Hannibal briefly summed it up here.

It should go without saying that the best thing about the internet is the animal pics and videos. And that was as true of Kinja as anywhere else. Fur Face Friday was the gem of the sub-blog communities. It began on GroupThink in 2012 but before long was being cross-posted throughout the Kinjaverse, with submissions and comments pouring in from the various online neighborhoods. I signed on as a Snout Selector around 2018. And while it was a lot of fun, it wasn’t as easy as you’d have thought. There were so many entries, and we tried to limit the top picks each week to ten or eleven. We had to be careful not to feature the fan favorites too often since everybody wanted to see their furry pals chosen. Birthdays, adoption anniversaries, and rainbow bridge crossings were automatically selected. We oohed and awwed over each other’s cute pets and wildlife pics, celebrated new additions, and mourned losses together. There was a lot of bonding.

The FFF intro is always as such:

In case you’re new here, favourites are chosen by one of the Snout Selectors (facw, k2b, Hannibal, leahaven, iroqdemic and myopicprophet), entirely on our own whimsy. WHIMSY! However, in the interest of solidarity, we try to select one dog picture and one cat picture (minimum!) each week. Other pets will also, of course, be considered. We love all your rats, bunnies, ferrets, and other furry, feathery, and finny pals. WE WILL NEVER DISCRIMINATE AGAINST CUTE.

Fur Face Friday is now posted on Backtalk and DS contributions were featured this week:

Other contributions included Farscy’s Candy:

A contribution from Luigi Vuoto:

From Lemmy:

Emma, Violet, Bill, and Bruce courtesy of Keitel and Ellie:

And a before & after via email from Butcher:

Before spending the summer swimming an hour every day.

And of course Cousin Matthew’s Faithful Hound in the featured image.

The week is over. It’s time to relax and enjoy the best of things. So share with us your pets or favourite animal gifs/images/videos. If you would like to contribute but haven’t the opportunity to share in the comments, email your contributions to admin@deadsplinter.com and be sure to include your handle. We will do our best to include them in the following week.

Also, we need a category name and post name for these posts so any ideas would be welcome.

Now it’s time to show us your furry, or not so furry, faces!

Also, don’t forget to swing by the Brain Drain!

About myopicprophet 127 Articles
Kinja refugee. Rants often. Right sometimes.


  1. My Faithful Hound!

    He is normally by my side in his man-cave crate here in the office, but every so often he likes a little me-time on the psychiatrist’s couch, overseen by the benevolent Buddha statuette.  Those are south-facing windows so he gets plenty of sun, and they wraparound to the west, so that particular part of the Open Floorplan in general gets plenty of sun for many hours, even in the dead of winter.

    I love all of the animal pics, such good girls and boys!

      • This photo (its jpeg) is dated June of last year, the height of the pandemic here in Fair Gotham. This indicates he wasn’t exhausted after a long walk and wrestling with all the other dogs, since none were to be found. Walks were brief and half my neighbors fled for a while, taking their dogs with them.

        So you’re probably right, it was probably a long Saturday or Sunday lunch and I probably overmade so there was plenty to share with him.

    • I like your version better actually. Better Half, he of the iPhone, took the photo, and why he chose portrait over landscape I don’t know. But yes, behold, we have hardwood floors, and lots of ’em.

      BTW, fascinating I know, that’s a loadbearing column to the right. It has a companion to the left. That is how we have these walls of windows and the building doesn’t crash down around us.

  2. Myo would love for us all to post more pet photos. My boys wouldn’t participate. Emma smiled for the camera, and Violet was not happy I had bothered her.

  3. Can anyone recommend a photo sharing site?

    I’d like something which is decent about not spamming every day to sell prints and calendars, doesn’t reveal private info like location, doesn’t claim ownership of images, is likely not to go 404 in six months…. crazy, I know.

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