…get some rest, or not [DOT 23/3/20]

Sure, the days are running together but today is actually Monday. I hope if you can you are a) still working and b) able to do so from a safe place. Big thanks to those of you who have to be out and about keeping people fed and healthy. Everyone else, do your part and stay home.

I am working from home, and Mr. McGee is as well so it’s a bit…much.

Hang in there ya’ll. Got any good coping strategies? Drop them below. Endless screaming doesn’t count, we’re already doing that.

Limbo anyone?

“Senate falls far short of votes needed to advance coronavirus bill as clash between Republicans and Democrats intensifies”

Don’t forget, WaPo will send you all your coronavirus news for free:

I would like to get off this ride.

“Stock futures drop more than 4%, briefly hit ‘limit down’ as investors await a stimulus agreement”

My mom always said if you can’t say something nice, better to say nothing at all.

“Rand Paul becomes first senator known to test positive for coronavirus”

Listen to the Italian mayors!!!

“You are not Will Smith in I Am Legend. Go home.”



  1. From my sister, a pediatric nurse in Charlotte:

    “Logically went to work to help and ended up admitting my units first COVID workup on a 2 yr old. No results yet. Great good fine ok we knew this coming. Same symptoms presented three days prior they refused swabbing for anything even flu and sent him home absolutely ridiculous. Discovered this has happened at least 4-5 times with kids between my floor and another. They are straight up delaying testing. It’s nuts”

    “It’s truly all fine and I am happy this is my profession and I get to help but the delay in testing and my manager and docs trying to tell us they think it’s negative when they don’t know shit about what’s going to happen is what worries me “

    • My sister is an ER nurse in NYC – she says to do everything you can to not get it right now while the hospitals are overwhelmed and still figuring out protocols. Also, if you come in just because you have symptoms – you can spread it to people who are in there for other issues – like heart attacks, falls, etc. The best thing to do is work on boosting your immune system. Her hospital is running out of money because they’ve cancelled all elective surgeries and that’s where they make the money to operate.

      She also said it’s really weird walking home at night and there is only like one other person on the street with you.

      And, there’s a doctor answering people’s questions on my local Nextdoor site – he’s been calling it SARS 2.

  2. Went for a run and a hike on Saturday, went for a mountain bike ride on Sunday. All in sunshine and temps in the 50s-60s. Pretty awesome for a quarantine.

    My wife works at a hospital, so we are being particularly stringent with the social distancing. So getting out on my own this weekend for exercise was a much-needed sanity-saver.

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