…get some rest [DOT 22/3/20]

…so it’s nearly next week & all…& there’s chatshows & pundits & the sunday papers we could spend all day hashing over


…let’s face it, though…we know where that goes


…so…with apologies to Loveshaq for what may amount to provocation after the DUAN last night…& at the risk of making myself a liar for the sake a passing narrative link of essentially zero consequence

but some things are sacred…

…& I think everyone can hold their hand up to getting a little scared looking at the way things are looking…so I figured I’d hang up my ire for today & give you all the morning off

this would be a better bet…the rest of these aren’t actually the sunday strips…those are the full page numbers

…it just seemed like the almost-responsible-adult thing to do, somehow

…umm…none as far as I’m aware?

…& what with generally being either in close quarters or close contact with one’s nearest & dearest being a unique & special gift that we should of course all cherish each & every precious moment of

kids are gangsters, people…

…after all, who else is going to impart that special blend of homespun wisdom that will let them navigate the treacherous waters of the web & sift the nuggets of truth out of the sea of bullshit?

hot air does something, anyway…

…luckily for us, though…indoor games have come a long way since I was Calvin’s size

nah…we got nintendo…playstation…xbox…all kinds of neat shit…& netflix, even…

…so as you go about your sanctified & sort of mandated day of rest remember…it’s not about the winning…it’s how you play the game

…take it easy out there, folks



  1. help! the gubments trying to kill me!
    theres something deeply unnerving about every damn phone nearby blaring an alarm at the same time..
    goddamn…using a national alert to tell people to keep 1.5 meters distance from eachother….guess now i know what the gubments response to all the idiots going to beach yesterday is
    damn near gave me a heart attack

      • also…standing outside in me garden i think i figured out whats been low key bothering me for a couple days now
        just stars up there….no air traffic
        there was a helicopter yesterday…circling around
        i live maybe 30 miles from an airport
        shits eerie

    • Last night I was on a call (I’m Essential IT support for the state so I have to come in to work) and a freakin’ Amber alert came over my phone, loud as hell. The lady I was helping had it too. I know they’re important and all, but imo they’re overdoing it quite a bit. I wasn’t even in the area for it.

  2. No provocation, I’m over it. I have moved on to morning news hate watching & ramping up for our next international rap battle! Enjoy your Sunday! Our town just shut down the parks & beach since everyone thinks it is a fucking extended spring break. That and reading all the stuff from my family about Hawaii quarantining all tourists for 14days.

    • …clearly I’m gonna need to rest up

      …how people are still telling themselves they can ignore this thing like those spring break types is fucking beyond me, though…I get echo chambers & cognitive dissonance & the whole youth-confused-with-imortality thing but holy hell assholes think this shit through you unbelievable morons…

  3. I caught that exchange with the reporter. He’s completely unhinged. The expressions of other reporters you could see in that shot were painful. It’s amazing he still surprises them to that degree. They deal with his shit every day, should be the least surprised.

  4. Here where I am – we are all social distancing in our own yards. There are only five houses on my small street but everyone is out doing yard work and chatting from safe distances. The pastor from one of our local churches lives across the street and she’s going around making sure people have food and any medicines they need whether they go to her church or not. It’s quite pleasant. The only downside for me is that I have to keep my four dogs inside because everytime my little min pin mix hears someone talking – he sounds like the loudest most annoying burglar alarm you have ever heard.

  5. That fuck Rand Paul has coronavirus and let’s take a few moments to laugh and laugh and laugh.

    I know this isn’t going to change his perspective on anything, he’s a ghoul and if almost being assassinated and being beaten by his neighbor and going to Canada for surgery isn’t going to make him self-aware, this certainly won’t. He got his results right away, he will have the best care OUR money can buy. But still, HAHAHAHA!

    Among the ironies of ironies, we now have moderate Democrats fighting for the very things Bernie Sanders has advocated for years. I haven’t really thought about the election in weeks largely because I know Bernie as a candidate is unlikely. Still, that the Dems are even floating extreme ideas like debt cancellation and a pause on mortgage and rent payments is blowing my mind a little. They most certainly won’t get these passed, they most certainly will and do want to compromise with the GOP, but wow. Thanks, coronavirus?

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