Hi friends! What good things have happened to you lately?
I watched a coworker have a tantrum today in front on a conference call, which was great because EVERYONE saw what a twerp they are.
I’ve also been doing high fat/low carb eating for a little over a week. I have a tendency to eat my feelings and get in binge cycles, and I’ve had this amazing appetite reduction. The ability to go through my day with manageable appetite levels near mealtimes compared to feeling ravenous all the time and then shame spiraling over a binge…. I mean damn it’s so nice.
I feel normal.
Also, when I realized I could just eat an avocado with breakfast. Or eat more avocado later. I could eat as much avocado as I wanted…
Also! The state of Missouri has accepted my tax return. Can’t wait for that $15 windfall when I get my check.
Perfect avocado usage! Cutting an avocado in half, pouring a bit of salt on it and eating it with a spoon is like a hard-boiled egg times 10 without having to waste time hard-boiling an egg or eating fetus (fetus is mammal? k but eating it is also fowl) is the PERFECT breakfast recipe.
Full disclosure I’ve been enjoying fried eggs with sautéed spinach and sliced avocado on the side.
Perfect use of an avocado: Cut it in half. Remove the pit. Throw all three in the trash.
I concur based on the fact that it fits perfectly with the beer/whiskey & whiskey/beer diet we have in common.
You know that unfertilized eggs aren’t fetuses don’t you?
I love some Filipino food but Balut is not one I can stomach..,
My daughter dated a Filipino guy in high school and went to a big picnic where the old folks were eating them. Her boyfriend and his friends were as revolted as she was.
Yeah, that & the blood sausage they eat are nasty & stinky! Adobo, lumpia & pancet noodles I love though.
You knowledge-knowers are really starting to throw me off of my game!
@myopicprophet I support a chicken’s right to choose. Especially if it means I get delicious fried eggs.
Well you had me beat and licking my wounds in myo-lago…and had you left that first sentence alone, I’d have nothing to dispute BUT then you went ahead and contradicted yourself in the following sentence because I’m struggling to figure out when, exactly, the chicken had a choice in your eating of its egg. Do you have any documentation to back up your insinuation that the chicken granted you permission? If not…
I knew as soon as I posted that I’d made a fatal error. 😟
My wife emptied her iCloud photo roll and made a collage of our trips over the past twelve years. We had a great time reminiscing (150,000 miles, and no punches thrown!) and got some nice wall deco out of it.
I woke up w/ at 530am stressing w/ a deadline & a flaky computer. Sure enough my computer crashes right out of the gate & the program I needed kept crashing the computer. Finally I remembered a book I had that helped me have an alternative route to get it done, 15 mins b4 deadline & the client happy with no changes. Then an unexpected guardian angel offered to help fix my computer issues. Long stressful day but things are looking better.
The Leafs – who have been dead AF all game – scored twice as you were typing this!
Fucking skype of all things kept crashing my computer this week. Of all things!
Also, you haven’t lived until you have had Hawaiian avocados. They are so much better than the Mexico ones & lots more choices…
In spite of freezing rain last night I managed to walk my dog this morning for the full hour and didn’t fall. I had a couple of slips but stayed upright.
Did the dog fall at all?
I know it makes me a bad pet person but when they full on Bambi wipe out I find it adorable.
No, but she slid a couple of times too. And yes, I giggled!
It can be funny theoretically, but I have too much residual trauma from the many times my neurotic German shepherd wiped out on the ice and ended up injured because he’d go into panic mode. A couple of times he ripped off a claw. Ugh, that dog. I simultaneously miss that weirdo and acknowledge that life is a lot calmer without him.
that sounds awful! She’s not very happy with me right now because I’m refusing to take her for a walk. Not going to risk it today.
I finished installing the last of my blinds. Cleaned the house. Cleaned out my fridge (ugh) of old (rotting) food. Installed the dash cam.
My week off is now mission(s) accomplished.
So productive! I really need to do a back-of-the-fridge clean out and I’m not looking forward to it.