Hi Friends! How is your Thursday going?
What’s good in your world?
I put out a bird suet feeder a few weeks ago, and I think they birdies finally noticed it! I’ve spotted some Carolina wrens and a female downy woodpecker having a snackie snack at the suet feeder.
allaboutbirds.org describes Carolina wrens as “small but chunky” — same, birds, same.
Also I’m listening to Joe Biden’s speech about his covid stimulus plan. I am so relieved to be able to listen to a president who can talk coherently and without using dogwhistles to appeal to racists and white supremacists.
I just won an election (for a two year term as joint health and safety certified worker rep) at my workplace.
I won because of my record of safety accomplishments that have improved the site safety record and on two occasions kept us out of trouble with the Ministry of Labour.
I can puff out my chest as I know I have more safety accomplishments than anyone in management and all but two safety reps on site.
@ManchuCandidate congratulations! Is a union factory or business?
Non union.
That’s awesome! Congrats!
Congrats @ManchuCandidate! Way to look out for your coworkers.
I miss the edit function. That sentence sounds more stupid than I realized.
I guess it’s just me being a tad insecure and only trying to (impotently) stick it to former managers/rivals who didn’t give a shit about safety yet were quick to take credit for mine (and others) efforts.
Doesn’t sound stupid to me. We have a couple of those people where I work. They always seem to show up at the very end. Curious how that happens.
Nice work, and congratulations!
I got a hot pepper suet mix on sale at the grocery store that is supposed to drive away squirrels. I drilled holes in a branch and shoved the suet in the holes and hung it up.
The squirrels have taken to hanging by their back legs on the wire holding it up and emptying it out like Diamond Jim Brady going to work on a platter of oysters.
I occasionally see them shrugging a little bit, but otherwise the hot pepper isn’t affecting them at all. So it goes, $2 of suet mix going to the rodents. Could be worse.
Oh I saw hot pepper suet at the store and didn’t realize it was meant to discourage squirrels.
Mmm, spicy snack!
Bird seed and suet from a non-specialty store is usually pretty bad. Our duet comes from a bird feeding store and the squirrels avoid it like the plague.
I feed the squirrels in a separate feeder. Doesn’t prevent them from hitting the others, but it noticeably reduces their visits to the feeders I don’t want them pillage.

Yeah I tried adding chili powder to my bird seed when I first realized mice were getting INSIDE the feeder. Didn’t do jack!! Thanks Obama!
While this is definitely not good news, I still want to share – Joanne Rogers (widow of Mr Rogers) just died at age 92. I’m glad she was around to help produce A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, which apparently both she and her kids thought was great. I read a piece on her a while back that I thought was really relatable, where she talked about how important it was to her that the filmmakers not treat him like a saint.
RIP Mrs Rogers. She had some less than neighborly words to say about trump in the last couple of years. My kind of gal.
hey @myopicprophet – I’m getting that “Unauthorized request.” response again when I try to access my messages 🙁
should be ok now
and UGH i promise i will get all these issues dealt with…eventually.
You’re doing God’s work here, @myopicprophet. Quit apologizing.
It’s Friday, so at least there’s that. Got a flu shot and waiting for blood tests from a physical.
Next week at work we start to seriously grow the staff in preparation for incoming big jobs, so I might see 40 hours a week for a change.
I assisted on a MASSIVE company-wide project (though i was the lead in my department) that pushed thru business for a new client in a month. Not only was it over xmas/new yrs, but that sort of thing usually takes 6 mo to a year.
Now I’m co-lead on a new project, that the co and I volunteered for. My manager said he was happy we did since, in essence, we’re the most volunteery and competent of the bunch. Hoping to parlay both of these things into MORE MONEY when it comes time for that.