Time for a Good Things post. These are a great way to celebrate how awesome our friends are here and provide some good fun things to talk about.
“But brightersideoflife, what sorts of things can go in a Good Things ™ post comments section?” — well, my friends, anything you are feeling good about. See a neat doggo? Comment on it. Have a good day at work? Comment on it. Finally clean part of your home and feeling proud of yourself? Hells yeah comment on it. See an article about something that makes you happy? Definitely worth a Good Things comment!
I miss GroupThink so much but a Very Good Thing is the migration of some over to deadsplinter!
Also, the news that Emily Murphy has finally halfway ascertained that the transition to the Biden presidency can commence and Trump, without saying so, must have had a brief moment of lucidity whereby he allowed this to happen.
Also, and I know I’m skidding into SplinterRip territory here, the proposed Secretary of Homeland Security is a Latino. He came with his family to the US from Cuba, so a very particular background, but assuming he’s confirmed he might have considerably more empathy for the plight of others trying to seek asylum in the US. God knows no one in the Trump administration had any whatsoever. And the Cuban background will probably isolate him from charges of God knows what because his family fled here during the Cuban revolution. And, his parents are Jewish and his mother and her family fled Romania in the 1940s to escape the Holocaust and got into Cuba.
I know there’s a lot of damage to be undone, and some things that can’t be fixed. But I feel hopeful for the first time in four years!
My good thing is Brett Goldstein’s podcast Films to Be Buried With. As some of you know, Ted Lasso is my new TV obsession. Brett Goldstein plays Roy on the show and writes for it and I figured his film podcast would be up my alley and it is. It’s right on my wavelength. It makes me so happy every time I listen to it.
I have one more Diana episode of You’re Wrong About, then I will check this out.
I hope you’ll enjoy! He’s had several Ted Lasso guests, which is always fun. Beyond that he’s clearly so passionate about movies, it’s just great to hear him and his guests talk about them.
I have two more Diana episodes and I can’t wait to hunker down with those and my next puzzle over the long weekend.
Had a good day on the farm today. The sheep’s wool is coming in thick and soft.
Are you processing the wool into yarn or do you sell it to someone who does the spinning?
Also I probably used the wrong words there to describe things, sorry about that.
No, you got it right. We sell the wool to a local artisan who spins it into yarn. We’ve got the equipment to do the combing and spinning, but it’s too much work and we really haven’t learned how to do it. The older couple who actually own the whole farm really just like to raise the sheep and donkeys and look at them at this point. We met them because they came to the tai chi class I teach and asked if we wanted one of houses on the farm. The place mostly runs itself. My main function currently is hugging and kissing the donkeys and feeding carrot slices to the sheep, who are very appreciative. This is our first year out here.
Hugging and kissing donkeys is a job? I had a terrible career counselor!
Right?? The career test I took said I should be a water and sewer superintendent.
I miss GroupThink, BackTalk, and The Salad Bowl being in one place so much. DeadSplinter and Blogspot (and even Reddit) are very good things indeed. This Schitt’s Creek meme is also a very good thing and in fact what I specifically came here to applaud.
I miss the communities being on one platform but I am happy to see them staying alive.
I check out the reddit and the blogspots randomly as a lurker and it’s funny to me that as obsessed as I am with ensuring DS is a welcoming place for those communities I don’t sign up for them because I don’t want to intrude.
I miss TSB and it was kind of heartbreaking when Red checked out and passed it off to others who did a great job keeping it going, I will say.
And you might be hard pressed to find someone on Kinja I tried not to pester TOO much than you (Canadian sorry!) so I am so happy to see you here, friend.
Also, I am so grateful for @brightersideoflife who played a huge role in keeping the GT lights on over the past year take the initiative to help keep the lights on in the evenings here on DS which has undoubtedly attracted more of the GT community which was the entire point of this site.
This should fit in with the “Good Things” (which is awesome to see alive on DS) theme of tonight’s NOT?
Oh friend, for the most part, all I really did at GT was word vomit random daily thoughts into post form and have silly conversations.
Here I am still throwing silly conversations into the internet, but at least I’m scheduling them.
I’m struggling to see where we disagree and/or where the negative thing is? :p
I’ve very much appreciated the nudging and pestering to make it over here. Thank you, friend.
I feel like you can’t go wrong with a Schitt’s Creek meme! I almost went with an old favorite (Lucille Bluth), but it was more sarcastic than sincere and I wanted this post to be sincere. 🙂
There’s a whole lot of shit that keeps coming my way these past several months, but just last week I got a note in the mail from my 12-year old niece, whom I’ve never met. Her father and I haven’t spoken in over 20 years, so we never had an opportunity to meet. Anyway, I texted my mother when I got the note to see what was up and she said that my niece is afraid that all the relatives she doesn’t know are going to die before she gets a chance to meet them, so she’s been on a spree of reaching out to people. It made me a little wooby, getting that note, but it felt good. So, I wrote her back and we’ll see if she sticks with it and we get to know each other. I would like that.
That’s lovely.
That kind of good spirited independence is very impressive in a not even a teenager.
Well, she doesn’t live with her father, so she has that going for her.
That is awesome, I’d be feeling all the feels about that, too!
Did you send back stamped envelopes or stamps so it will be easier for her to write you back?
Nope didn’t think about that. I’m an Old so I just assume people know what stamps are. My guess is that her mom is providing the supplies.
I’m so glad to see Good Things continuing here on DS! I have a few today.
I’m no longer on-call which means I can put my phone on DND and ignore it for the rest of the night.
I’m making vegan “ribs” for dinner.
I’m going to do a face mask, eye mask, and hair mask tonight to treat myself for seeing all my clients in two days and not having shit to do tomorrow!
Cosmo got his monthly BarkBox which included a bunch of extra toys and an advent calendar. Yes, he’s ridiculously spoiled.
I finally got in a bunch of the graphic t-shirts and sweaters I ordered that were delayed.
Which toys did Cosmo get? Fanny got a turkey, ear of corn, acorn, and a Taste Tester apron that I am going to make her wear, lol.
Cosmo gets the double deluxe so he got the turkey with a can in it, ear of corn, pumpkin pie slice, apron with mitten, and a glass of wine. I also got him an extra reindeer toy and the advent calendar. I’ve already taken a picture of Cosmo in the apron.
I need to take Fanny’s pic. They can both be on FFF in their matching aprons. 😁
Yes! Twinsies!
Of course Cosmo gets the Double Deluxe, he deserves nothing less!
Fanny is jealous. I’m going to have to look into the Double Deluxe.
The double deluxe is nice but I will say that if you keep it going for a few months you will end up with way too many toys. At this time Cosmo has too many so I’ve been giving one or two toys from each box to my grandparents dog Jackie.
We had to upgrade to the durable plush toys because she was shredding them too quickly. I don’t even know if you can do the double deluxe in those.
Is that the super chewer box? Cosmo has done surprisingly well at not chewing up the toys too quickly. Part of the reason I got the double deluxe is because I thought he would tear them all up before the next months box would come. I guess he’s growing out of his destructive stage!
No, I went online to switch to the super Chewer and they told me they could upgrade at no extra cost to the durable plush. She does like the plush toys, even after she destoys them she carries them around and cuddles with them whien she naps. So we’ll see how that goes.
…some friends have a border terrier & I don’t think there are plush toys durable enough to survive his attentions?
…every time anyone has produced one he’s disemboweled it in short order…it’s a bit like that hamlet quote about “who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him”…just stuffing everywhere like some kind of plush-bomb had gone off
…but I guess maybe that’s a terrier thing?
LOL, terriers are destructive by nature. But Fanny enjoys tearing things up too. I’m hoping it will just take her a little longer with the durable.
Yay! Glad you’re pleased to see it here. I was thinking of maybe doing it biweekly as one of the NOTs? Maybe weekly? What are your thoughts?
The more the better IMO. I find that it’s always good to have a time to recognize what is good in our lives, especially during the hard times.
I made my pies for Thursday. I had a good yoga class. It’s going to rain tomorrow which is bad for poor Fanny but means I get to sleep in.
How many pies did you make, Hannibal?
2 pumpkin and 18 mini apple 😊 The apple are made in muffin tins so very small. But they freeze well.
It’s Thankstaking week in ‘murica which means I am not busy at work which also means I have 8 hours to read the US politics news every day instead of the 7 hours and 45 minutes I usually have.
I don’t know if I ever mentioned it here but there’s a whole Canadian side to my family via my grandmother. When my grandmother died a whole contingent came down for the funeral. We had a wake and then we had this kind of US/Canada summit which was the two sides getting to know each other. I was only a teenager but I fell in love and kept up with them for years and visited quite regularly. In that branch there were two off-shoots, anglophone and francophone, and that seemed so glamorous and worldly.
Anyway, at the US/Canada summit one of the relatives said to me, “In Canada in the 10th year [or however she described it] we study American history. When do you study Canadian history?” It was an honest question. I mumbled, “Well, we don’t devote a whole year to it, it comes up as part of the whole education.” I lied. It never comes up at all. The only time it’s glanced on is right after the Revolution when the new US had designs on Canada and wanted them, or parts of it, to join us. Even during the War of 1812 (which I think is called something else in Canada) you’re always taught that the British burned down the White House. As if Britain could divert resources from the endless Napoleonic wars and ship soldiers across the Atlantic. No, it was British subjects who happened to be living in York, Ontario (as Toronto was once known), not York, Yorkshire.
In the Bird Droppings category, there is a Barred Owl hooting outside my window as I write, and yesterday I saw a Great Blue Heron flying over the stream behind my house. Pretty good for my big city.
i seem to be coming out of my depression..it only took almost 5 years since the last time life knocked me on my ass (funilly enough…it seems to have taken knocking me on my ass again to snap me out of it)
everyday it seems like im finding a new normal i forgot i used to have… ive even started smiling again….like…maybe twice a week
i think thats a pretty good thing
tho…with every new old normal i find i realize more just how broken i got….its almost depressing in its own right… welp as they say… you’re always the last to know you dun got fucked in the head
That’s great news, I am glad you’re finding some good normals.
Try not to beat yourself up over not realizing “how broken” things were. This sort of thing is like death by 1000 papercuts. Things get chiseled away and we simply don’t notice all the little parts of ourselves that get buried or tossed aside.
yeah i know….just frustrating how obvious it all is…in hindsight
i mean…shit i can now almost pinpoint exactly where shit went pear shaped and then where things got worse and what added to it…which led too
welp whatever…just gotta make the most of it now and try to avoid sinking in to depths again
I’ve been there, I call it climbing out of the well. It’s good to see sunlight again. I’m happy for you.
Cheers to you, Farscythe my friend; I am so glad that you are seeing an upside to life. Plus, you are the gentleman Chef Wednesday, hooray!
oh dear…with a bigger audience too now…*jitters*
i should probably write down more complicated stuff…but you know…that involves a lot more writing…lol
…for whatever it might be worth…from what I can piece together from friends & whatever of my own experience that falls under the depression heading, anyway…one of the most insidious aspects of the thing is that it robs you of some sorts of objectivity
…getting back the kind of sense of perspective that lets you look at things that happened & see them differently is no small thing but it’s easy to think “I should have seen this then” & give yourself a hard time when all in all you probably ought to be thinking “this is good…that was then but now is better” & giving yourself a pat on the back?
…I feel like I’m not putting that well…but it’s a subject where that always appears to be par for the course…so mainly I’m just trying to say a lot of things are easier said than done but sometimes one of them is giving yourself credit & allowing yourself to feel good about that kind of progress…so if it helps to think of this as one of those pats on the back I’d encourage that as much as a random anonymous internet acquaintance can
…sincerely…way to go there, mate
My good things are my neighbor, who I seriously couldn’t function without and my new boss. I’ve worked at the same place since 1998 and my boss was the only con, like textbook bad manager, but the benefits were good, nice commute, pay decent. 2 years ago they restructured my department and I got a new boss and he is amazing. I feel like we’re collaborating on projects, he gets my jokes, he shares his thoughts BEFORE I go off and do a ton of work, he expresses appreciation for what I do. I salute you, big boss man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na4E0Vy5J-A&list=RDna4E0Vy5J-A&start_radio=1&t=0
A good boss is a GREAT thing. I’m glad you have one now.