First of all, this post is only criticizing table grapes. Grapes destined for wine or jelly, those I have no beef with. I have nothing but appreciation for them.
Table grapes are the WOOOORST though. Most of the time they are too soft or mushy or under ripe, and green grapes especially are a waste of time.
Also as a person with cold sensitivity on 2 molars, grapes are a burst of ouchie ouchie why didn’t I just eat a strawberry when they’re refridgerated.
Tell me if I’m wrong in the comments. Also tell me the fruit you can’t stand and why it’s the WOORRSSTTT.
I disagree that grapes are worse than raisins, which are the literal WOOOORST in the world!
And I do like grapes sometimes. I especially like them when they’re cold. In the summer, frozen grapes are like popsicle bites! But they’re obviously not a great choice if you have a cold sensitivity. 😕
Even California raisins?
Oh, how I despised them! Despite being Emmy winners.
Raisins are wonderful in:
chia pudding
broccoli salads
lentil salads
NOTHING is good in broccoli salads. Because there’s broccoli in those things.
Broccoli salad, hold the broccoli!
…and, if we’re being honest, the salad.
@k2b-damansaysineedalongername I will take all your veggies. Gimme all the salad and the broccoli too
Okay but are you gonna eat your pudding cup?
we can trade 🙂
Awesome. I’ll share my gummy bears later.
Okay, but sweetened mayo, red onion, and bacon bits go along with the broccoli and raisins.
Mayo nasty too. And onions are for sauces.
Bacon bits, I can get with.
In oatmeal cookies and cinnamon rolls.😋
Oatmeal cookies — sub craisins for raisins — and add white chocolate chips!
I made them that way for years, I got sick of it. Now I prefer the traditional raisin.
And RUM-cooked/Boozy Raisins are EXCELLENT in Carrot cake!😁😁😁
(Runs for cover…)
I hate when I buy seedless grapes, bite into them and SEEDS! I also hate those weird Cotton Candy and Gumdrop flavored grapes. I only buy grapes when there is no other decent fruit in the store.
Yes! Seedless grapes that end up having seeds are the worst. I bought seedless for a reason, dammit!
Why do people want grapes to taste like other things? I find it strange and off-putting. Like picking up the wrong drink.
Grapes are not the worst because bananas are the worst.
I must introduce you to my banana bread topped with a turbinado sugar and slivered almond struessel.
I don’t think there’s any hope. I also dislike almonds. But I’m sure it’s wonderful to normal people!
No almonds means no marzipan, I can’t imagine that.
Feel free to introduce me to that banana bread. I will be ever so kind to it. 🙂
Feel free to add A LOT of the turbinado sugar and almonds on top…
omg resisting urge to lick the screen
Madness, bananas are delicious!
but Mangos on the other hand…
Those are TERRIBLE, and they *taste* like B.O. SMELLS!😳🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
@toucanny! do you dislike the texture, the flavor, or both?
I don’t like them once they’re ripe enough to be sweet.
@brightersideoflife Texture, flavor, probably mostly the smell…really, they have always disgusted me — even more so as they ripen. And those stringy bits…! I also hate when I see them hanging from those hook things! I don’t mind when people or pets dress as bananas. That’s the only good thing about them.
Grapes with no seeds are vegetables.
Hard disagree, they’re still made from the ovaries of the plant. Vegetables are leaves, stems, and roots.
Much appreciated. Actual facts have been hard to come by these past four years.
I like black table grapes. They are delicious but I miss the seeds!
I also miss watermelon seeds.
And, other than olives, we all know that avocado is the very best fruit. I mean, they go with everything. Even spaghetti:
Avocados are superior. Pay no attention to Keitel.
Watermelon with seeds are sweeter than the seedless. I consider myself an expert, I eat 2 watermelons a week during the summer. Avocados are an abomination.
Here, here! Avocados are officially the worst fruit.
I concur! Avocados are awful. They’re just… mushy, slippery blandness. The ONLY thing I like avocados in is the occasional sushi roll.
This 👆🏼
If only there was a half-star I could give this comment.
I love when someone hates avocadoes because I’m like YEESSS MORE FOR MEEEEE
I’m stubborn about watermelon and only buy them when they are seeded. I feel like they taste better with seeds.
Absolutely, and I only get them from the farmers market, never the grocery store.
I don’t mind the occasional green grape, but they are toxic to dogs so I don’t bother keeping them around. Why eat a grape when there are berries?
I am a fan of red seedless grapes. We live in area rich with fruit and vegetables, many organically grown. A friend’s sister runs a home delivery organic CSA, and the grapes and the blueberries from there are very good. I like strawberries made into simple syrup and mixed into cocktails in the summer.
That’s awesome! Anything grown locally always tastes so much better.
The only grapes they grow locally here are concord grapes. Which are seeded, kinda mushy, and really ideal for jelly/juicing but fucking horrible for eating.
When I lived in Alabama, I liked getting scuppernongs from the farmer’s market there, but they had a strong tannin bite to the skins and a sweet inside, which made them a really complex flavor.
I’m a fool for a good muscadine jelly.
Rasberries. Tart and turn to mush too quickly. One of my favorites is Honeydew. Unfortunately it is tough to judge ripeness.
Honeydew…go on…
Raspberries are full of taste and honeydew is the most tasteless melon. This isn’t a music post, eh.
Rasberries are The Honeymoon Suite of music. People say they like them to fit in but they actually don’t.
Honeymoon Suite is
Ohh agree about the honeydew. A truly ripe honeydew is fucking sublime!
One of the stands at the farmers market had yellow honeydews the last few summers and added these peachy colored ones this year. I didn’t get a chance to try the peachy colored ones but I loved the yellow-fleshed ones because they had such good flavor.
I only like raspberries in chia pudding or in oatmeal because yeah… texture sucks. I am sure if I lived in the Pacific Northwest I’d have an entirely different opinion about berry deliciousness, but I live in Missouri. Womp womp.
I love all the berries but I never buy them because they’re basically fuzzy by the time you get them home. Come on, science, GMO that shit!!
I was ready to fight until I read the wine disclaimer! The Durian is the asshole of fruit! It is awful!
That’s the stinky one, right? I’ve never tried it.
it can TOTALLY smell like a natural-gas leak!😉
I would never insult wine!!!!
Perfectly ripe strawberries are the best fruit. Case closed.
Strawberries in season are tough to beat.
I have to search to find the Florida strawberries in Jan/Feb around here since all the stores stock Driscolls which are coming from California. I think the Florida ones are better. Typically I can find the Florida berries at Aldi but not always.
I agree!!!
Strawberries, I support that for top fruit.
We get so many strawberries that I hate them!! I have to pick them every other day & I have no room in the freezer because of wife freezing them for jelly. Daiquiri party at my house anytime, I need more space for hops!
I want to plant some strawberry bushes but Mrs Butcher is not yet on board. Any tips for growing good bushes?
My wife is the green thumb, I would definitely not call them bushes. They are evil little runners that grow sideways less than an inch below our soil. My wife composts lots of coffee grounds & egg shells, not sure what other good stuff is in soil. They do great with lots of water & late afternoon sun at our place. Slug death is your best friend if u are not into eating half eaten strawberries.
I developed an allergy to strawberries well into adulthood and it gave me the biggest sad.
@k2b!! Hello friend!
My grandpa developed a strawberry allergy as an adult, and my mom developed one in her late 50s. So I figure I’m probably going to get one eventually.
It suuuuuucks. I mean, I don’t think they’re kill-me level but I do get fluttery and a weird itchy rash, so I only let myself cheat a bite or two sometimes. I thought it might be because markets had started getting them from another country of origin or something, but from what you say, I guess it’s just a thing.
ETA: also hello you!
Mom gets a rash on her belly and her inner arms from them. It’s unfortunate.
*sigh* Yup. Weird prickly belly rash. I hope you escape the cycle.
Mangos are the worst fruit, especially since people always try to make things that smell like them and they smell just fucking weird.
Grapes would be okay but for the need to wash the bejesus out of them and thus negate any joy one might get from eating them.
In my Mr. Sketch scented marker kit, the turquoise one smelled like mango. I can’t imagine how many kids this messed up.
What the what????
I remember seeing mangoes in Belize that were orangish skinned but ripened to have a turquoise color on the skins in places. If I recall correctly, they grafted them onto citrus trees and the mangoes had a slight citrus flavor to them.
However, this is definitely an edge case as those are never in grocery stores.
Mangos are amazing!!! Only things better are Guava & Lilikoi!
Hey, if it makes you feel fancy to eat them, you go right ahead.
I grew up with neighbors having mango trees & you get a shitload from one tree. Everyone gives you fruit or mango bread which puts banana bread to shame!
I grew up around wild blackberries. Lordy those things were good.
I remember finding dead or sometimes not dead spiders in the grape bags as a kid. It didn’t help me like grapes that much.
Isn’t that how the movie Arachnophobia starts, or was it a bunch of bananas?
Dunno, I’ve never seen Arachnophobia. Because of the spiders.
Tomatoes are fruit.
^ Point.
Delicious fruit.
This movie didn’t age well!
Mango and passion fruit, both overrated.
Right? I can’t with all the after-tasty.
Not you too!!!
And the freaking seeds from passion fruit, ugh. Guava however is underrated.
Never use guava juice as a mixer. Your drink will taste like an ashtray.
Did u never drink POG & vodka w/ us in high school? I know u did pineapple swipe!
I’ll make a note of that.
I’ll see your mango and raise you one mangosteen. Delicious when perfectly ripe. Disgusting before or after and/or bruised.
That’s another one I’ve never had. I do like guanabana.
Bad take is bad. It’s not the grape’s fault you’re doing it wrong.
Grapes are actually one of my favourite fruits! I rinse them in warm water to bring them up to room temp before eating because I have cold-sensitive teeth, too. I do agree that mushy grapes are bad, but I like the nice firm ones that have a little snap when you bite into them.
I like grapes! Especially green ones. I’m trying to think of my least favorite fruit… I like pineapple but it makes my mouth tingly and raw for days… but if we are talking dislikes I will probably have to agree on bananas. I do still buy them & eat them sometimes, but they have a bit of ick factor to me. The smell is so strong and the stringy bits are yucky
For those of you who do NOT hate grapes, or are maybe grape-curious, try this recipe. I skip the hot and use all mild sausage. Plus, it’s Ina. Fabulous!
I was worried that no one would really notice a Saturday evening NOT because we haven’t had open threads at night in so long…this is the 100th comment on it.
Clearly everyone was staying in last night and there was nothing good on TV. 😀
I think it has more to do with the wonderful host!