Holiday sweaters – pro or con?
On people? LOL, I guess.
On cats? Yes, please.
On dogs? Absolutely!
In my glass? Why not?
Ugly Christmas Sweater Margarita Punch
- 32 oz Cran-Pomegranate juice
- 16 oz Grapefruit juice
- 8 oz Orange juice
- 12 oz Pomegranate bubbly
- 8 oz tequila
- 2 oz triple sec
Add all ingredients to large pitcher and stir. Decorate cocktail glasses by printing out colored ugly sweaters, cutting them out and taping them to the glass. Pour punch into decorated glass and serve.
Whatta ya say, Deadsplinters?
You had me at tequila & triple sec
Who doesn’t love tequila?
im generally in favour of terrible preferably oversized christmas sweaters…bonus points for funny
but i mostly popped in for the mystery box update as requested (it didnt contain a terrible sweater….but it did have a throw blanket…sooo.. half points?)
from left to right..ish
company branded throw blanket (eh…its cold…itll get used)
diy gluh wein kit (i have to add the wine myself..bah humbug :P…warm up wine and add to baggy brew for a couple minutes and hey presto….serves 2)
unox pumpkin soup (works for me…but interesting choice)
chocomel (chocolate milk…but good…none of that nesquik shit)
some kind of roasted garlic bread nibbles
caramel sirup (is it for baking? do i add it to coffee? will it make me diabetic…i think its a solid maybe on all fronts)
fancy block of french cheese the name of which i imediately forgot..with mustard and dill (will be nommed)
qwixx…(somekind of game involving dice…oppo tells me its fun)
little bag of fancy bonbons (ill be shocked if i get any of them before the chocolate fiends raid it)
plywood christmas tree shaped thingie made of stars im not sure what im supposed to with
box of winter glow tea packs (smells cinamonny)
can of whipcream (fun for the whole family)
and a red velvet bundt cake (from a local bakery too…so probably good…i do wonder if ellie or cousin mattie were somehow involved tho)
on the whole….it was a remarkably useable box…i like it
Good box! And the Bundt is always appropriate and appreciated!
That’s a nice haul! I’m not really sure what the star/tree thing is either. Maybe you’re supposed to paint it to make your own custom decoration?
tbh…i was considering just getting sparkly metalic flake rattle cans in festive colours and using it as a stencil all over town
sounds fun to me 🙂
I like it!
That’s pretty good. That tree looks like it’s probably ninja throwing stars. Definitely good for this time of year.
I look terrible in most sweaters, so I’m a NO.
Wow, that’s some look, lol. I’m not sure which element is the most outlandish. The belt? Ascot? The oversized shirt lapels, or the sweater itself?
The older I get the more I think “oh, adorable” as opposed to “trashy” in regard to holiday apparel. I forgot I had Zoom meeting last week and was wearing an ugly Christmas tunic top from the style experts at Amazon 😜🙄. Oh yes, I was totally called out on it. “Elliecoo, what are you wearing?” And, since I work from home, it was obviously on purpose, just for my own satisfaction. The dogs told me that they liked it…
I’m sure you looked fantastic! The dogs wouldn’t lie.
I’m pretty sure putting Xmas sweaters on Cats is grounds for them murdering you in your sleep and eating your face.
Short haired dogs like Doxies or Greyhounds will appreciate/love sweaters no matter the season or how ugly. My mom knitted several coats for the family short haired Doxies which were all well received. We knew how cold of a day it was when the dog refused to let anyone take off her sweater.
Fanny has short fur but when I try putting a coat on her she freezes like she’s paralyzed. I’m going to try again this winter. She’ll be visibly shivering but refuses to come in because there are squirrels about.
I’m happy I went to the gym. It felt good to sweat and feel the burn. Not so good because it was all settings/weights I used when I just started out at the gym almost 4 years ago.
Exercise is a great way to combat stress/anxiety/depression/anger. It’s just not always easy to make yourself do it when you’re feeling those things. As for the settings, try to think of it as a reset. I’m sure you’ll get back to where you were. The main thing is you went.
It was tough to get my ass to go, but I’m off and why not? I’m going to try leg day (Sun?)
Sweaters are fine–I wear them every day when it gets cold.
Holiday sweaters, however, are bullshit.
I love a good, cozy sweater. I don’t mind holiday sweaters but I’m too cheap to buy something that can only be worn a couple of times a year.
…when I was a kid my christmas sweaters were generally something knitted by a grandparent & given as a gift…very few of which were things I wouldn’t wear
…never really got the whole buy-a-deliberately-awful-sweater thing…spoiled by a series of super-warm thick arran sweaters, I guess
…but there was the one year I & my siblings got matching (horizontally) rainbow striped sweaters from a great aunt…was not a fan…but had to wear them on the day (sort of a family rule) & so of course someone took a picture & framed it & I had to see it for years when I went to my grandmother’s
…hmmm…suddenly I think I do know why I never went in for the ugly-christmas-sweater thing after all?
Haha! Sort of like Ralphie in the bunny pajamas, lol. I’d kill for a look at that picture.
Note: Actual Wax figures of real figures. The Royals are too dignified to wear ugly Xmas sweaters
I can’t imagine why anyone would buy a Charles Bronson Album.
Not related, but I laughed a lot at this cover.
I’m surprised that a band with that name would wear white….
You can’t, Manchu?!?!??
I would TOTALLY buy the Bronson album!!!😁💖
Even if it was only to find out whether it was some sort of disturbing spoken-word awfulness, or if Bronson actually SANG on it!😉😆😂🤣🤣🤣
Tbh, whichever one, I’d probably put it into immediate rotation, in my holiday “Awful-music-gigglefest,” along with Dylan’s Christmas in the Heart album!☺😁🤗
That one is… hard to describe.
But honestly? Probably my favorite Christmas Album ever, just because it’s so cuckoo-bananas absurd!🤣🤣🤣
These reviews explain the album a bit–it was terrible, yet awesome, because it was so full of “No Fucks Given” enthusiasm & frankly joy in multiple songs, and the proceeds all went to GOOD charities😁💖💫
So, HECK YEAH, I’d take a chance on the Bronson album–just because ya never know when something that seems 100% absurd might just make you laugh uproariously!😉💖
And for anyone who hasn’t ever heard any of the songs, some links about the Dylan album;
Cheers everyone! I’m totally shmammered on sparkling wine and it’s only 4pm. Enjoying a weekend sans la famille 🍾🍾🍾
Cheers! Enjoy your weekend.