June 10 is the anniversary of Benjamin Franklin’s kite experiment. If it even happened. And while it was well known that Franklin enjoyed intoxicants, he was a proponent of drinking in moderation, writing in Poor Richard’s Almanac that Drunkenness is the worst evil, makes some men fools, some beasts, and some devils. In 1737 he published The Drinker’s Dictionary, a list of 200+ synonyms for inebriation.
So, by all means, toast the American renaissance man, but try not to get wamble crop’d.
im currently only mildly sloshed
I think you meant to say you’re only mildly crump footed.
i most certainly did not!
but i guess i did
i know how arguing with the fairer sex works out :p
Ben Franklin is also shakily connected to the quote “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
It looks like he was really talking about wine.
But of course, half of all fake quotes online belong to Ben Franklin. Half belong to Churchill. Half also are attributed Lincoln, with the remaining third to Orwell, and 25% to Jesus. Shakespeare, of course, figured this out and wrote it down in a letter to George Washington.
One of our local breweries has a shirt that says “the liver is evil and must be punished” but I don’t remember who they try to attribute it to.
Well, we wouldn’t want to be evil, right? Cheers!
That was my saying. And I’m suing your local brewery for $250 million for stealing it from me. I just nobody does the research and finds out George Orwell really said it.
There’s even some evidence that he didn’t even write the Drinker’s Dictionary but cribbed it from an earlier publication. But I lost the link to that.
Our favorite Thai restaurant closed recently but before they did the owner sold off all his wine. He was doing cases he hand picked for you at different price points. I have helped fix some stuff at his house & the restaurant with a friend so he gave us some really good deals. I’ve only started to discover what he put in there but one of the first ones was this amazing wine from Australia. I’m usually a little weary of screw top wine but the Aussies seem to do it on even better wines. This one is amazing…
I opened it 2 nights ago so need to finish it tonight, tough job and all that.
You can’t waste it, that would be disrespectful.
No, it would be alcohol abuse!
What I always think of now when someone mentions the key and kite incident.
Also, warning that there is some dude puking at about 1:45 and again at about 2:40.