Happy Hour [14/10/22]

I need a drink

Scientists at the University Of California Riverside believe that a nitrous oxide-rich atmosphere could be evidence of alien life. In the last several years discussions of UFO sightings have become more serious although it has been largely concluded that they are a natural phenomenon. Not everyone agrees.

Kentucky has a famous UFO story, the Kelly Little Green Men, complete with its own festival in Hopkinsville, KY. The description of the visitors may be responsible for the image we have of aliens.

What do you think, Deadsplinters, are you skeptics or believers?



      • This might be horribly naive or stupid of me but what is a “whippet”? You’re not talking about the dog breed are you? They’re very fragile creatures, they really shouldn’t exist, but if you can keep one alive and healthy and give it plenty of exercise they can live remarkably long lives for the size of their breed, 15 years isn’t uncommon. They’re prone to all kinds of back and and hip and hind leg problems, dysplasia kind of comes as part of the package. But I have a feeling from context that you’re talking about something else?

  1. i mean….with all the universe out there…..it seems unlikely we are the only rock that big boomed into being just right for life (as we know it jim)

    i figure lifes out there…..and if its intelligent it wont visit us

  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantell_UFO_incident

    KY’s is one of the places where a fighter “fought” a UFO.  I read this in a UFO comic book (that embellished a lot of shit that freaked out this then dumbass 9 year old like that a P-51 was shot down by some kind of space shotgun.) Truth is that Capt Mantell died due to hypoxia caused being at an altitude much higher than allowed without a working oxygen system.


    Even some person… ahem… built a model of Mantell’s Mustang.

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