Happy Hour [18/2/22]

I need a drink

WTF Disney?

At some point in my life, I learned that lemmings didn’t really leap to their deaths, but I never knew the role Disney played in creating the myth about these adorable little arctic rodents.

The crew members constructed spinning turntables covered in snow to jostle the lemmings and send them tumbling, and then proceeded to throw them off the cliff. The resulting footage was edited to make the mass animal killing look like natural suicide. 

Why would they do that? What purpose did that serve? I don’t know about you, Deadsplinters but I need a double!



  1. First we hear of Farcy’s neighbor’s bunny disaster & now this?  Ok, I’ll pile on…The other day we found fur all over the front yard but no carcass.  Last few nights I have seen rabbits on my doorbell cam in the middle of the night.  Then a couple nights ago a coyote walks right in front and takes the same path as the bunnies.  I think we have a few dens in our yard and the coyotes have finally figured out that we are a good hunting ground.  Every morning when I check the cam I hope to not see one getting carried off and my wife hopes she does!  She hates the bunnies for digging up the yard and eating plants.


    As for happy hour, my beer guy started getting Weld Works beers this week.  I had read lots about them and made a home brew based on Juicy Bits but to finally try it is awesome!


    • There have been reports in my neighborhood of foxes carrying off house cats.

      I’ve read that some experts doubt that a fox has the mad skillz to surprise and take down a full grown cat, and speculates that what witnesses report are foxes carrying off roadkill cats. But I’m thinking at least maybe elderly cats?

      At any rate, I’m too cold for booze right now and settling for tea.

      • That’s not going to happen!  We had a cat take one of their babies last year right in front of my daughters.  They freaked out!  I had a friend that kept a pet rabbit in a studio apartment with them and it chewed through their phone lines.  Lucky it didn’t eat through a power cord.

        • We couldn’t use our front door growing up because a big mama rabbit and her brood lived in our pine island. She would attack anyone on the walkway – most not making it to the door because she was so scary. We used to have a sign one of my sisters made that said “Beware of Attack Rabbit – Run Away – This is Not a Monty Python Joke.” Our yard was notorious among the trick or treaters. That rabbit lived there for quite a long time.  I guess she finally died at some point.

          • That’s crazy, I’ve never heard anything like that. Well, good for Ma Bunny. You had other doors. I would have liked to see her terrorizing the trick or treaters.

      • They were amplifying an old myth for dramatic effect:

        However, this particular myth is based on some actual lemming behaviors. Lemmings have large population booms every three or four years. When the concentration of lemmings becomes too high in one area, a large group will set out in search of a new home. Lemmings can swim, so if they reach a water obstacle, such as a river or lake, they may try to cross it. Inevitably, a few individuals drown. But it’s hardly suicide.

        But the biggest reason the myth endures? Deliberate fraud. For the 1958 Disney nature film White Wilderness, filmmakers eager for dramatic footage staged a lemming death plunge, pushing dozens of lemmings off a cliff while cameras were rolling. The images—shocking at the time for what they seemed to show about the cruelty of nature and shocking now for what they actually show about the cruelty of humans—convinced several generations of moviegoers that these little rodents do, in fact, possess a bizarre instinct to destroy themselves.




    i fucking hate this storm…i just opened the door to have a sneaky smoke half outside

    and whoosh…my jar of coffee learnt the skill of flight….sadly did not learn the skill of landing….glass and coffee everywhere

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