Happy Hour [24/4/20]

You don’t have to drink alone.

Who doesn’t like a creepy artifact? Possessed dolls, cursed gems, and haunted antiques are the things of legend and make for great stories. The Yorkshire Museum issued a challenge on it’s weekly #CuratorBattle, show us your #CreepiestObject. And there is some seriously weird stuff here.

What’s the eeriest thing you’ve ever seen in real life? One night my daughter sent me this pic she took while hiking alone at night, miles from nowhere, on a private nature preserve. She’s pretty hard to spook but admitted the way it was sitting up on the path, like it was waiting for her, rattled her a bit. It freaked me the hell out!



  1. When I was in college, there was a drifter who rolled onto campus and committed suicide by hanging himself. For reasons passing understanding, some people thought it would be cute if they said I knew him. So I got called in to ID the body. I can still vividly recall what he looked like all these many years later.

  2. i cant really recall seeing anything eerie.. (other than the odd ufo…)
    got completely spooked by the sound of hedgetrimmers being opened n closed once tho… keh.ching…keh.ching…was a fucking wierd thing to hear really close by in the middle of the woods well after midnight… missus heard it to..lol.. we got the fuck outta there… wich wasnt the fuck we got out there for… but fuck that noise
    anyhoo..in other noise… the stones are still kicking 🙂

  3. I was kayaking with my brother and saw a baby at the bottom of the river and we freaked out. My brother was horrified so I jumped in the water to swim down and it turned out to be one of those very realistic dolls…which kinda freaked me out even more than I already was so I opted out of pulling it from the seaweed (seaweed and realistic dolls freak me out, but apparently more than actual babies at the bottom of rivers which somehow do not?) so I’m willing to bet that it is still down there…haunting the fish…

    …and perhaps I should talk to someone about my shortcomings?

    • That’s VERY creepy. Leaving it there was the right thing to do. I asked my daughter if she picked the doll up and she said, “Fuck no! I’ve seen enough horror movies to know better.”
      Dolls are the worst. When my daughter was little she had a talking doll with a very irritating voice. When she stopped playing with it we stuck it on a shelf in the garage. And forgot to remove the battery. Sometimes when I’d be unloading groceries I’d hear it whine, “mommy I’m hungry, please feed me” or “I’m sick, can you give me some medicine”. Sometimes it would just cry. One day I had a scary thought, what if it wasn’t a doll? What if I was crazy and I left a child in the garage to die? I shook it off but the idea kept recurring. Finally I climbed up, got it down and removed the battery. And I have talked to someone about my shortcomings but never shared that particular story * shaky laugh*.

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