Happy Hour [27/3/20]

You don’t have to drink alone.

Meet Rolo, the 7 year old Dachshund sprained his tail wagging it too much.

A very good boy.

My dog sprained her tail a couple of weeks ago too. I didn’t even know that was a thing that could happen! For the last 20 + years I had tailless pups, a Corgi and Aussie. So, I learned something new.

And now a PSA from another excellent doggo – Pluto.



  1. poor doggo
    i sprained my tail too
    ass first is not how to stair….who knew
    (i forgot about the bloodthirsty ninja cat that lives near the top step and is invisible in the dark)
    anyhoo…turns out i think its pretty funny to answer how are you with my ass hurts

  2. We had to put down our boy this week so happy hour cannot come soon enough each day. Thankfully my governor is smart enough to label beer stores & pot shops as “essential businesses” so at least we have that but all these cute dog posts are killing me!

  3. I usually hang out with my neighbors ALL the time. We live on a cul de sac with an open door policy. People have keys, go into houses, ‘borrow’ wine or tools; it’s practically a commune. It’s very unusual these days, but it’s how I grew up and I love it.
    Now that everyone is social distancing we are doing a zoom happy hour this evening!

    • i think im the only one on my street with an open door policy… backdoors open if i know you let yourself in (i grew up in the sticks )
      i think it foiled a burglary once…. got out of bed and found the back door locked (one of me first steps in the morning is stepping out back for a smoke and a coffee)
      anyhoo..the lock was all kindsa fubar on the outside..
      i figures they must have jimmied it locked before trying the handle (if it wasnt that i have no idea what happened)

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