It’s World Cider Day. Known as hard cider in the US, it makes up only 2% of American alcohol sales. I’ll be enjoying a Smokey the Pear from one of three local cideries in observance. It’s a seasonal offering, a sweet apple pear blend with vanilla and a hint of caramel.
What are you drinking, Deadsplinters?
I like hard cider but I never think to actually buy some… I feel like it’s a UK thing more than here. Also it feels very ‘fall’, so I’m not sure why they decided to have cider day in June!
It’s definitely more popular in Europe. We do seem to think of it as a fall thing here in the US. But a cold, crisp cider is pretty refreshing on a hot summer day.
…there’s definitely a fair amount of cider made in the UK…but if you like the dry sort you can do a lot worse than the kind they make up towards the north coast of france?
I never thought of France and cider given their image of a wine drinking country. But they do brew beer so I shouldn’t be surprised.
ugh cider day…who signed off on that?
welp im going to bed…good night!
vile stuff…
we hates it
we hates the filthy little hob…oh a little carried away there
i have some fancy australian chardonay today
which i gave to the missus so i could stick to beer
I still prefer whiskey but I’ll take cider over beer any day.
and as long as you dont expect me to drink it too im perfectly happy with your tastes being wierd 🙂
Don’t know about your neck of the woods, but a lot of what gets sold in the US is pretty sickeningly sweet. But some smaller places get it right.
i’ve been ruined by cheap british cider..
ive tried the good stuff…and admit it tastes okay…. but the smell takes me right back to cheap british cider nights and imediately sets off my gag reflex
One of my wife’s patients gave us a giant sockeye salmon so we are having neighbors & friends over to eat it. I’ll be making some mixed drinks before we switch to wine. Not really a big cider guy.
Sounds like a fun evening!
Oh man, sockeye is a favorite here.
Here in Canada, we get the slightly sour, crisper taste of Strongbow which is my personal preference. I don’t like sweet booze so I pass on the sweet stuff as the sugars kick my head in.
I’ve had Strongbow, I like it. But I normally buy the locally brewed stuff.
All the local stuff is too damn sweet for my taste.
When my favorite pub stopped getting Strongbow, I tried a lot of the local stuff they had and I still went back to my fave multinational conglomerate Cider
Our local cideries have a large selection with sweet and dry. My favorite is a plum and thyme.
We have a number of local cider breweries. As for me, I prefer the local mead.
We have a few here too. There are some local meads but only in the liquor store, and I’m hesitant to buy a full size bottle.
It’s National Donut Day, too!
Donuts are my biggest weakness. Maybe I’ll treat myself tomorrow since I missed it today.
I fiiiiiiinally got *everything* out of Dad’s apartment, and into storage or in the van (to take to my place & sort, or to Mom’s to go through)… took more than twice as long as I’d calculated, to get it all moved out & the apartment cleaned as well as I could…
Part of it, because my aunties & uncle who were helping are MUCH taller than me, so instead of using the U-Haul boxes I bought (the small/ 12×12×18 ones–that *also* have handles!), they put stuff into LORG boxes, and then filled those large randomly-shaped boxes, until they weighed 50-60+ pounds…
So not only were the boxes too heavy for me to carry by myself, over the course of hauling tons & tons of things down the stairs, the boxes were also impossible to actually carry, because I literally couldn’t even pick them up–because they’re 5’10” and *above* and I’m not even 5’1″🙃🤪😖😫😱
Soooo that meant pulling apart almost every box they’d packed, redistributing the weight, and packing it into the boxes I *bought* for this move🙄🙃😕
I KNOW they were trying to help, and it was done with the literal BEST of intentions & tons of love!!! They’re AWESOME people, they really ARE😁😊🤗
But–as my mom said-they haven’t moved very often, so they don’t particularly understand the logistics of how & why to pack well…
So I lost a whole week’s worth of pay, which is going to SUCK, I may-or-may-not be in trouble with my bosses, I’ll find out when I apologize in-person on Monday, and I’m completely exhausted….
I’ve got a 2-hour drive back to my Minneapolis, and I will be SO glad to be home tonight!😉
And I’ll probably end up cracking either a wine cooler, or the Margaritas-in-a-can later on, after the van is at least partly unloaded.
I hope your boss is understanding. Packing and moving is the worst job in the best of circumstances, add the emotions and your relatives kind but misguided help and it had to have been physically and psychologically exhausting. *hugs*
At least I learned that there’s a *perfect* term to describe it, in Japanese😉😆💖
I discovered it, when we had that conversation about words a week or so-ish ago, and… well…. it felt soooooo appropriate the last few weeks, in understanding the loving & well-intentioned help I’ve been working around so much lately😉
And one of the things I’ve been feeling incredibly lucky about & am suuuuper grateful for, are the number of folks around my life, who really *get* how draining this sort of situation can be, AND that–relatively speaking, anyway!– Dad is ok, Mom is ok, and they’re both still alive when I was tasked with “the packing up”
Because honestly?
With both of them being hoarders (in entirely different ways/methodologies!)?
I’ve literally been dreading the thought of them dying–and then me needing to sift through it all–while grieving & missing them–since I was in high school(!!!!!).
so the fact that the worst parts of the sifting-through & packingbit up are now *done*?
And now I can literally just pull one box st a time, sort through it in a leisurely manner with mom, & determine “what to keep and what to get rid of”?
@Hannibal, it’s such an incredible RELIEF, and ZOMG, the most *incredible* gift!!!💝💖💞💗💫
There’s a TON of crap still to sort/sift through, don’t get me wrong!😉😆🤣
But it’s only 70 bucks a month to store all of it, and–again–Mom said she’ll help me (we’re going to do a few “picnic day at the storage unit” trips this summer if we can–she is the BEST!😉😁💖
And *somehow* I’m lucky enough to have just been given the incredible gift of just being able to enjoy my time that I have left with my Dad–however long that might be💝💝💝