Happy Hour [30/10/20]

You don’t have to drink alone.

I love my dog. But her objections to my sartorial ministrations have been a disappointment, especially at Halloween. If only she could be like Toad the French Bulldog, who wore a different costume every day this month.

A good boy.

Or my sweet corgi who allowed herself to be stuffed into a number of game day jerseys, holiday pajamas, and Halloween costumes.

A very good girl.

In the days leading up to Trick or Treat the neighborhood children would excitedly ask what her costume would be. I always told them they had to wait and see. She loved kids and enjoyed the attention she got for being a fairy princess, sushi roll, bumblebee, mummy, and flower. Unlike my current beast who isn’t particularly interested in small humans. Not enough to suffer the indignity of wearing a tutu.

Happy Halloween!



    • The corgi didn’t like it very much. But she wanted to please me. Fanny expects me to please her. But I have managed to humiliate her a couple of times. I’ll save those pics for another post.

    • Fanny doesn’t even like bandanas. But weirdly she loves her collar. When we take it off to wash it she pouts until it’s dry and we put it back on. She’s a strange dog. 

      We live in town so I don’t have to worry about hunters. Glad your pups are protected.

    • …I don’t know about too much…but that’s probably because I’d rather not risk jinxing it by suggesting there’s any certainty that they won’t screw it up?

      …when it comes to all things star wars it does kinda seem like that’s “the way”…but then again I’m not sure I can think of anything with giancarlo esposito in that wasn’t pretty good…so maybe the two cancel each other out & it’s safe to expect the whole thing to break even in terms of potential?

      • …that seems fair enough…although I had this come up a while back with someone because the truth is I don’t know that properly speaking I’m really a star wars fan, either

        …I like sci fi & I enjoyed the three films that came out back when I was a kid a fair bit…but I’m pretty sure at this point the majority of star wars is comprised of stuff I’d have a hard time claiming not to dislike more than I could say I liked it…& that doesn’t sound much like a description of a fan to me?

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