Happy New Year! [DOT 2/1/23]

My first post of 2023…Happy New Year Deadsplinters! I hope you had a nice holiday season. Today is one last day off for me. I’ve got a few household chores on the list but otherwise just plan to chill.

Hope your year is off on the right foot!

Suspect in the Idaho college student killings plans to waive extradition hearing, attorney says

How do you hit a bison? They are fucking huge.


The stonk market is closed today.

Dinner? Who are these people. Coffee. One drink. Not DINNER.

Inflation is killing the first dinner date

Thanks I love it

Have a great day!




    I spent a good chunk of my holiday weekend dealing with a headache caused by the chemicals from outdoor caulking (new porch enclosure) and eyestrain headache caused by new glasses (progressive lenses.)

    And I would still rather be in bed holding my head in agony than starting off the first day/night of work.

    Oh well, at least my coworker and I finished our tasks early tonight so we had an hour to chill so it wasn’t all bad.

  2. im going to say it was probably that reduced stopping distance what caught the driver out and ended all those bisons

    “Please do not drive faster than you can stop within the distance that your headlights project. Stopping distances on snow-covered and icy roads are dramatically reduced versus dry pavement,” they added.

    could be i dont understand english….but i do believe thats not entirely correct

    • Nope, they mean *dramatically increased*. But it’s easy to see what happened. It’s hard for semis to stop in regular conditions. Dark bison at night in the snow? The driver didn’t see them and couldn’t stop. Plus truck drivers are strongly encouraged to rush to their destinations, drive without enough sleep, and generally cut corners wherever they can. That’s not their fault — it’s the people who hire them.

      • yeah i know…the amount of hours the average us trucker spends driving in a day is considerably over the 9 we consider the legal limit here…and no more than 4,5 without taking a break

  3. They don’t call him Moscow Mitch for nothing.

    This lady & her husband need to go!


    I think I found your lost bag…

    I believe I can fly from funny

      • Right, people do all kinds of different things, and trying to reduce bad data into fake sciency trend stories that sound like a million other stories is such boring reporting. Why not just tell some real life dating stories with an econ angle? Why not make fun of PR people? They don’t have to keep doing this.

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