Happy New Year [NOT 31/12/22]

What was your favorite moment of 2022?

Simple question.

Mine isn’t right now. I just got new glasses and I’m getting a wicked headache from them.

Otherwise I have two. One is kinda pathetic but not so in an adulting way…Sad but true was when I paid off my new A/C in full before the interest (9.95%!!!!) kicked in. The other was my recent trip out West. I had a great time seeing friends, but it was a touch bittersweet as it reminded of better days.

Happy New Year everyone. Hope that it will be a better year for all of us.



  1. happy new year @manchucandidate and everyone else

    other than needing to put out some embers in my hair and calm down the cats i seem to have survived ours unscathed again 🙂

    the video isnt mine….but everywhere in this country is like that at midnight new years eve

    my favourite moment was about 4 hours ago…when i decided i should probably pay rent….and discovered i had 3 grand in my bank account

    i mean…paying rent kinda ruined the moment….but even so……its been a long long time since i had more than 3 digits in my bank account after paying rent…. clearly we are doing something right on the budgetting

    (and yes…i basically dont look at my bank account except when i pay rent and cant avoid seeing it….im happier not knowing)

    • Having my family, especially my grandparents, meet my youngest for the first time in person this summer. Our trip to Montreal was mostly exhausting and stressful but it was worth it to be with my family again after three years.

    • Happy New Year all of youse! The fireworks have pretty much settled down here. Some neighbors were setting off some pretty serious rocketpower. I’m a bit surprised — that stuff isn’t cheap. Just got back from a little party and our dog wasn’t freaked out by the booms, so that’s all good.

  2. That’s awesome with the A/C!

    I think the best moment of the year for me was driving around Oregon with a good friend who I don’t get to see most years. We were just driving along from the airport to their house, etc, but it was just so much fun stopping at a winery and getting to have awesome conversations with them.

    Hawaii had some awesome moments earlier in the year, but I was on that trip when I got the phone call that my best friend had died unexpectedly. So like… I’d get distracted and have a great moment and then a bit later remember that and whammo! grief.

  3. It was a pretty rough year, there were good times but I can’t think of anything that really stood out. I hope’23 is better. Happy New Year everyone.

  4. We’re having Sheep Farm Rocking Eve and everyone is asleep except me and the wife.

    Tomorrow we’re leaving driving up to the city, so I may not be around a lot, but I’m sending Great 2023 vibes out to one and all.

    • Safe travels!

      Hopefully you can pass the time guessing what the next billboard will be. For example, in most of rural Missouri, the majority of the billboards are a mix of anti-abortion propaganda, adult stores, and reverse vasectomy advertising.


  5. Congratulations on paying off the AC, Manchu!!🥳🤗😁

    May the glasses get better, and this year be FAR better (for All of you!) than last year, too!

    The only *really* good things I can think of, from last year, are things which made for “less/no regrets in the future” and “closure” sorts of stuff, honestly.

    Realizing, juuuust as the Vet walked in at Lil’s last vet visit, that I didn’t have recent audio of her snores–and then catching them before she wasgone, because that Vet was amazing & kind enough to sit there quietly with us for a few more minutes💖

    And the closure i got, for soooooo many confusing, frustrating, & painful things when I was growing up, because I was lucky & had that GIANT amount of Privilege that allowed me to spend his last month *with* him.

    realized that he had undiagnosed ASD–and HE is where *my* own Autism comes from… that I’d spent so much time & effort as a child, “emotionally babysitting *his* feelings, and trying to manage/”help” him… and that’s the place my skills come from, when it comes tothe work i do with my kiddos, and my ability to so often “read people” like I’ve done accurately my whole life.

    It’s not exactly a “healthy” thing–it’s basically a form of Trauma-Reaction… buuuuut it is incredibly useful when working with my neurodiverse kiddos–because I can help THEM build their own “missing tools” so that they aren’t struggling their whole lives, like Dad did, or *I* did, before building my set...

    And because I did realize & see his ASD-ishness, before he passed, as the world got smaller & smaller around us, i was able to let most of it GO, because I *realized* that, just like my kiddos, it was alllll about “unmet needs, combining with a lack of tools to *deal* here!”

    So I got to just enjoy *being* with him, and liking the dad I *had* there at the end.

    It was a HUGE privilege & massive gift, that made losing him amazingly less painful than it might’ve been.


    BUT, i’m also hoping that 2023 is a HELL of a lot less stressful than 2020, 21, & 22 were, too!!!😉😆😂🤣💖

    I’m TIRED of that level of stress, and I just want the space to BREATHE a bit, please!😉💖


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