holy shit…i made it

welp…past midnight now over here

wishing you all the very best and more importantly…a happy and healthy and if at all possible not batshit insane next year

heres to yous deadsplinter pals 🙂

have a good one

P.S…. i hereby solemnly vow to next year schedule my posts…..maybe



      • The peculiar charm of WordPress autocorrect is that it always gets it wrong. Are you in the habit of referencing the National Geodetic Survey and spellcheck thanks that’s what you most certainly meant, ngs? For some reason I have a hard time with the word “this”. Whatever my variant, I always get “tis,” as if I were endlessly quoting Shakespeare. All a mystery!

        • …I think that one was a combo deal with predictive text that decided my next word should be they while I carried on typing things…but the autocorrect I think trips me up the most is changing out on for in…& once in a while it’ll do it the other way around just to keep me on my toes?

          • Ha ha!. I now see I have been a victim of WordPress spellcheck. “spellcheck thanks you are”? 
            I feel so sorry for English Language Learners (ELLs) nowadays. Imagine trying to learn a foreign language riddled with slang, acronyms, and predictive text and spellcheck tomfoolery. Every so often I watch foreign movies and TV shows in foreign languages I can understand with the translation feature turned on and a lot of times it’s not quite what they meant, and certainly the nuance is lost.
            I’ve tried to explain this and showed native English-speaking people to turn on closed captioning to news reports, in English, to see what I mean, and the language is sometimes gibberish. Or gibberish-ish. If only there were humans who could do the translating and the transcribing, rather than flawed, fly-by-night “AI” companies.

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