How the White House plans to fight the COVID-19 outbreak

How does ‘indefinite detention’ sound? From Peter Wade at the Rolling Stone:

DOJ Wants to Suspend Certain Constitutional Rights During Coronavirus Emergency

The Trump Department of Justice has asked Congress to craft legislation allowing chief judges to indefinitely hold people without trial and suspend other constitutionally-protected rights during coronavirus and other emergencies, according to a report by Politico’s Betsy Woodruff Swan.

While the asks from the Department of Justice will likely not come to fruition with a Democratically-controlled House of Representatives, they demonstrate how much this White House has a frightening disregard for rights enumerated in the Constitution. …

Nothing in store for immigrants?

[The DOJ] also asked Congress to pass a law saying that immigrants who test positive for COVID-19 cannot qualify as asylum seekers.

Make Guantanamo Great Again…



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