Hump Day. [DOT 1/7/20]

Is it technically hump day if we are already on the far side of the week due to the Fourth of July holiday? Oh well, I’ll just go with it.

Seems to be a lot of ‘same shit, different day’, but here’s the news I thought was worth sharing. If you’ve got anything else, drop it below the line.

I miss having a President who reads.

Intelligence reports on Russian bounty operation first reached White House in early 2019

Mothers of military sons killed in Afghanistan want probe of Russian death bounties

I don’t even know what to say anymore. It’s JULY. My aunt told me they are expecting 60,000 tourists on Tybee Island in Georgia for the 4th of July. So that’ll be fine, I’m sure. /s

Fauci worries U.S. covid-19 cases could climb to 100,000 daily

Texas Daily COVID-19 Cases Top Italy’s Record When It Was Global Epicenter

This seems like it is both overdue and a start.

Mississippi governor signs bill changing state’s flag, abandoning Confederate symbol


The 2020 Minor League Season Is Canceled. So What Happens Next?

“Best quarter in decades”. I’m sorry, that is insane.

Stock futures fall after the market notches its best quarter in decades


NASA Made an Incredible 10-Year Time Lapse of the Sun’s Fiery Rotation

#RIP Carl Reiner. Seemed like a good guy all around. This whole thread is worth a gander if you have a minute.

A day late for Pride Month, but this was too cute not to share.

Why this 90-year-old man decided to come out as gay during the pandemic

Have a great day!



  1. “This is not a big deal,” [Senator Ron] Johnson said. “The president’s got a big job, he can’t be made aware of every piece of unverified intelligence, and that’s what this was: unverified intelligence.”
    So the president has a “big job,” and yet, Trump has played golf 272 times since his election, as of June 28, 2020. And let’s be clear, playing a round of golf typically takes at least 4 hours. Trump sucks at golf, so it’s probably longer. But he has no time for potential intelligence about murdering American soldiers.
    The Lincoln Project should release another video. 

    • “Don, where’s your homework?”
      “What homework? I didn’t know we had homework!?”
      “Don, you get the handout every single day.”
      “But… but…. but… Nobody told me about it!”
      “Don, it’s on the syllabus. It’s your responsibility to read the assignments every day.”
      “No one told me I had to read it every day.”
      “Don – you’re a SENIOR. You really think that’s going to fly?”

  2. I still can’t get over the “we couldn’t reach him on the golf course for 3 hours” lie. The gd POTUS better be reachable at all times. 

    I view the Lincoln project as the ‘enemy of my enemy is my friend’, but not too friendly. Given the chance all those guys are perfectly fine with the systemic racism, packing the courts with conservatives, leaving millions of Americans without a safety net etc. they just don’t like that tRump is saying all the quiet parts out loud.

    • Especially if say someone launched a preemptive nuclear strike on the US or threaten to do a 24 or any other fucking bloody doomsday scenario that every GOPer likes to say they can handle unlike their ideal of a weak kneed Demoncrap Liebrul type.

    • The Secret Service knows exactly where Old Yeller is, every second of every day. This lie is so stupid it could only have come from Trump himself, who still can’t seem to grasp what being the president means. He’s recycling shitty old lies from when he was with prostitutes while any of his wives tried to find him. “Just tell her you couldn’t find me on the golf course.”
      No, dumbass, you are literally under surveillance 24 hours a day. That won’t work. But I’m sure he pitched a tantrum and told them all to do what he said, so they did. 

    • The Lincoln Project is absolute trash, but I do appreciate the viciousness they display toward Trump. It’s sort of a no-holds-barred approach that really hits the Trump base. Plus they always target one issue specifically, instead of trying to hit several of Trump’s scandals — again, it works well with people of limited attention spans. Plus Trump’s scandals multiply at an exponential rate, and you can’t address them all.
      Basically, the Lincoln Project is the face-eating leopard that is busy eating faces. I can marvel at their face-eating efficiency while choosing to not pet the leopard.

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