I Hear It’s a Long Weekend [DOT 22/2/20]

Guess what? It’s Friday! And we are headed into a long weekend, which I kind of forgot about.

I was supposed to be headed off on a two week vacation, but that’s obviously not happening.

My only big plan for the weekend is my first outing since March, which is social distance strawberry picking, with my cousins.

Got any plans for the long weekend?

‘All the psychoses of US history’: how America is victim-blaming the coronavirus dead

The ‘us and them’ pandemic shows America is still impervious to black pain

Flames, flames on the side of my head:

American billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic

Who did Nazi that coming?

Shooting at Corpus Christi Navy base investigated as terrorist attack, FBI says

‘Merica gonna ‘Merica

Arizona: three injured in shooting near shopping complex


‘We’ve never seen this’: wildlife thrives in closed US national parks


The dishes will never be done

Remember going places?

Revisiting the luxury and glamour of Concorde

There’s a reason he’s the worst Chris. Chris Evans would never not respond to my email.

This is so cute. Tony Hawk has nailed the social media game.

Whatever you do, have a safe weekend!



    • Yup, pretty much my plan as well for the weekend–minus falling asleep in the sun. Still need to put the second crop of tomatoes in the ground (we do succession planting to lengthen the harvest season), as well as seeding the cucumbers now that the ground is warm enough to germinate them. We will also be building a second gate for the deck so we can keep our escape-artist dog outside without having to worry about her exploring the neighborhood.

  1. Trump honors veterans, prisoners of war lies by putting words in Fauci’s mouth and whines about Pelosi during White House Memorial Day Ceremony hate-filled campaign rally:

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