I Just Got This In The Mail Today

Just fucking shoot me now.

It would appear that not even the CDC is safe from being used as a tool of Trump’s propaganda. Look at this fucking thing:

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S Coronavirus guidelines for America?! Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?! The guy who literally ignored it until he was forced to admit that maybe doing nothing was not such a great move? The guy who is contradicting the actual health experts on a daily basis? The guy who is way more concerned about his shitty hotels and golf courses losing money than any public health concerns? THAT President Trump? Yeah, sure, I totally believe that these guidelines were his idea. I promise you that the only thing that might have been his idea was slapping his fucking name on it.

The stuff on the back is all the standard stuff we’ve heard from the real health experts, which is also why we know it didn’t come from that sociopath in the White House: If you’re sick, stay home (Trump wants everyone back to work ASAP); avoid discretionary travel (what-fucking-ever. Ain’t no fucking way he would have approved this card himself with that one on it alone); avoid social gatherings of more than 10 people (again, he wants his money and he doesn’t care how many people get sick in pursuit of his own bottom line).

So, yeah, that happened.

About butcherbakertoiletrymaker 603 Articles
When you can walk its length, and leave no trace, you will have learned.


    • Not all of us. Just old people. He still needs enough young people to man the factories, mines, refineries that his buddies own. And enough to clean the toilets in the trump properties and serve his Big Macs.

      • But he is killing his base. The average age of a Faux News viewer is something like 64. So now, he wants the pews full on Easter. I live in New Jersey, where weโ€™re still bracing for the inevitable surge. It will not come before Easter. We havenโ€™t flattened the curve yet. Not close. Putting that many people in a confined space will spread this beyond belief. And if the olds donโ€™t get it directly, the young Trumpets will be happy to spread it to them.
        I donโ€™t wish death on anyone, but I almost feel like for people to get the message, people need to die by the hundreds or thousands. The reason this has been controlled fairly quickly in places like Germany and South Korea isnโ€™t hard to figure out. Both have excellent public health programs, and aggressively fought it from the start with strict isolation and early testing. Look at the curves for Hong Kong and Taiwan. They relaxed their rules too early, the curves rose again. Quickly. Now apply that to a land of 330+M people. These countries also have citizens that acknowledge that they are part of something greater than their individual life. Not sure if anyone else noticed, but we donโ€™t have that. Instead, we have conspiracy kooks accusing Saint Anthony Fauci of being a deep state operative while others cough all over produce in supermarkets.
        I am almost afraid that if we get through this with only a few hundred deaths, people wonโ€™t take it seriously. And behaviors wonโ€™t change until all of these asshats lose multiple people that they care about. Then it will hit home that this isnโ€™t a fucking game.

  1. you know what i got in the mail just days after he was elected?
    iodine pills….
    turns out i live near a nuclear reactor…. but nice timing batman
    i was fully expecting mushroom clouds for a moment there

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