What are your favorite summer treats?
My personal list:
DQ Reese’s Pieces Blizzard
DQ Dipped Cone
Hagen Daas Dipped Ice Cream Bar
Homemade Lemonade
What are your favorite summer treats?
My personal list:
DQ Reese’s Pieces Blizzard
DQ Dipped Cone
Hagen Daas Dipped Ice Cream Bar
Homemade Lemonade
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Based on childhood memories, I’d have to go with the entire Good Humor truck.
I can still almost picture the face of the guy who used to ring the bells driving up the block. Tied for first was the Strawberry Shortcake bar and Chocolate Eclair bar, with the Toasted Almond not far behind.
Watermelon and fresh berries. I prefer popsicles to ice cream. We had a gourmet shop that made them with juice and cane sugar but the closed during the pandemic. 😢
Running watermelon through the blender and adding seltzer is tremendous when it’s boiling out.
Hmmm Coke slushie from from childhood. I made a delicious (if I do say so) no-churn ice cream for dessert tonight. Future FYCE post.
When I was a little kid, Coke Slushies hadn’t made it to my neighborhood, but my family had relatives in California and when we visited they had Coke Icees. They were advertised by an iconic polar bear, and they were great.
Wikipedia says Icees were invented by Kansas native Omar Knedlik, and let’s be honest, that has to be the least Kansas name ever. You’ll find more Illinoisians name Barrack or Obama than Kanasans with a name like that. He sold his invention to 7/11 which created their own branding. But who the hell was he?
Story after story goes like this — he was just a guy from Kansas.
There has to be more. But I’m not seeing it online.
Knedlik might not be a Kansas-style name, but it SURE is a midwestern-sounding one!
What with all those letters, and only a couple of ’em being vowels, it would’ve fit right in, with all the Dzi….’s (“diz”), Pfen…’s (“finn”), Szcz…’s (“ssshhhh-chezh”), ….tzi’s (“see”), ….ltjen’s (“llll-gin”-like Elgin w/o the “ee” sound at the beginning), …..adjl’s (“idle”), and ….ijdl’s (*also* pronounced “idle”!😉😂🤣), where I grew up!
It’s got a LOT of “germanic-scandihoovian” to it, with the “Kn,” “dl,” & “ik” sound-combos😉💖
Was it this?
I WOULD ACTUALLY TRY THIS and not so long ago would have made a little just for the novelty of it, but avocados are suddenly ridiculously expensive in my little slice of paradise so, no.
They are 4$ each here. We buy one a week for my littlest who likes to eat it whole for lunch.
All of the above plus frozen green grapes. I saw a technique on the new Iron Chef (Netflix) that carbonates whole grapes in one of those frozen pressure cooker bottles that look like whipped cream cans. Those must be yummy when served chilled in the summer.
And speaking of summer, I’m sitting on my porch and it’s gotten just dark enough and suddenly a wave of fireflies (or lightning bugs, as my grandfather called them) has started blinking all around me.
Just like slurping Icees with my cousins as a kid, it’s such an incredibly nostalgic scene. A cottontail just hopped in front of me. Somebody get the ammonia snaps, it’s about to be too much
Cookie Dough Blizzard, freezies, fresh cold frub3it (strawberries, cherries, pineapple, watermelon, & grapes), Drumsticks (vanilla with the caramel inside, or mint-chocolate), push-ups (orange), cold 1919 Rootbeer, or cold Sioux City Sarsaparilla would have to be mine, along with the English Toffee, Rootbeer Float, or chocolate-coated ice cream bars from Schwan’s (a rare, but TASTY treat, during my childhood😉)
The Sarsaparilla was something I got into drinking, back when I was in about 4th grade. We had Summer Rec softball & baseball teams, which played against a handful of nearby towns once a week or so. In one town, the park that held the baseball & softball fields was near a tiny gas station/convenience store, and that store carried Sioux City beverages.
I was regularly spending time at that age, around antique dealers,** so I knew Sarsaparilla was something Americans drank pretty regularly, “back in the day” (like Rootbeer & Ciders), when water wasn’t always a safe option…
So when I saw it for the first time at that store, it was my obvious choice–because I had to know what real Sarsaparilla tasted like…
Annnnd that was when I fell in love with it😉💖
So every time we played that town in softball–when we all ran to the store to get snacks before the bus ride home–from the 4th grade, until I became an assistant coach for that same team when I was in college (including the years I played on the regular school softball team!😉) i ALWAYS had enough change in my pocket for a bottle of Sioux City.
And an update on the article about 1919–a couple summers ago, the company DID finally trial a 12-pack case of 16 oz. cans! They were such a hit, they’ve been in CONSTANT production since!😁💖
(**Mom, Dad, & I helped a local dealer, as a bit of a “side gig,” setting up for/with her at flea markets & helping her buy products at local auctions while we were on welfare, because it was a way mom could help bring in $ without having the “job” that for SO many years, Dad’s ego wouldn’t allow🙃.)
Watermelon or peaches
I was gonna say frozen custard but then I was like wait I eat that year-round hahahahhaha.
This isn’t AT ALL on theme/on topic for what folklore talking about… buuut I can sorta shoehorn it in, by saying @ManchuCandidate set up our discussion topic, and iirc he’s mentioned being involved in the production of meds, AND we all loathe Elon–Manchu in particular (seriously, that snowball could have used a rock inside it, my friend!😈), and Elon now lives in Texas & is a rich “Libertarian”…
And Cuban is also a rich Libertarian who lives in TX, and he can also be a bit of a dick…
Although typically, Cuban isn’t as likely to punch down, like Elon does on the regular–Mark tends to at least punch *across,* to other rich dudes, or at asshats, wannabe nazis, & other assorted jerks…
And in this case–Cuban decided to take the opportunity to still make a profit, just a reasonable one, while also doing a HELLUVA lotta good in the world;
Yes, folks are saying Good Rx apparently can be pretty great & helps lots of folks–but I like the option of MORE HELP for low-income & budget-crunched folks–& I think this is a great option Y’ALL NEED to know about–in case anyone in your IRL circle is having difficulty paying for meds!💖
1) I personally don’t mind Off Topic discussions in my NOTs. Afterall this is a free wheeling community.
2) I don’t like Elon personally, but that is based on having only a few interactions with him (all unpleasant) and having only casually observed him for a year. I was kind of surprised that he was still the jackass I remembered him to be. I figured that 30+ years of life might have changed him (it did me.) It was till I read the article written by his ex-wife from Queens and it described how he dealt with the death of his first born child from SIDS. He wanted to pretend that it didn’t happen.
One of the things I learned in my 50+ years of living is that you don’t demand/tell people how they should feel. Especially someone who lost someone near and dear to them. How they react is how they react.
Part of that comes from just being a control freak. Part of that is toxic masculinity. Part of that is being at your core, an insecure jackass who is so weak he can’t deal with other people’s emotions.
3) As for Cuban, yeah, he’s not always a prick but I still wouldn’t want to work for him based on the toxic culture of the Mavericks.
Peaches. Tomatoes. Mulberries.
Rootbeer floats. Butterscotch dip cone. Those 2 remind me of spending time with my grandfather.
Orange push-up pops. They sold those at the little store at the campground we went to for most of my childhood, along with fresh, homemade donuts on Sunday mornings.
Those ice sticks in plastic sleeves that cut the corners of your mouth. Those were for when my friends were over and we’d sit outside on the swing set or splash in the little pool my mom set up on the driveway.
Late to the party as usual – my grandmother used to make us Fresca and vanilla ice cream floats that were amazing in the heat. My other grandmother would make her own oreo ice cream back before it was a thing.