If You’re Going to Spew, Spew Into This [DOT 15/2/20]

It me.

I saw a tweet that said “Want to feel old? This movie is 28 years old“! And guess what dear reader? It worked; I feel old!

I can hear my friends singing Bohemian Rhapsody in the car and I can picture so clearly the Wayne’s World skit we did for Spanish class (oh if I had that tape). Are there any cultural or historic touch points that take you back to that place and time?



  1. not a historic touch point or anything…but just the other day i heard a commercial for a cd full of classic hits…. featuring the likes of jason derulo and shit…

    it was at that point i realized im about to be wheeled into a home with the other geriatric old farts (or well…i would be…but i still have to work for at least 30 more years)

  2. I was talking Sprotsball with some younger people, but not kids, one day. I mentioned Joe Namath and a guy said, “who’s that?” Take me to the home with Farscythe.

  3. …speaking as a maybe-more-than-casual rap fan over the age of 30, I think there may be a lot of us on borrowed time?

    It’s funny, ’cause at the rate I’m going, when I’m 30
    I’ll be the only person in the nursing home flirting
    Pinching nurse’s asses when I’m jacking off with Jergens
    And I’m jerking, but this whole bag of Viagra isn’t working
    And every single person is a Slim Shady lurking

    • Agreed.

      It’s wild to think about how ^^^that movie could EASILY have kids who are in middle school, were it a person. Or how “10 Things I Hate About You” would be of legal drinking age this year🥴

      And even MORE strangely (with your rap reference💖😉),that there are SO many folks who’ve been rap fans all their lives, but who’ve *never* known a time when ‘Pac or Biggie were alive, or LL, Ice-T, Ice Cube, or Flav was “just” known for being a rapper–their version of that music has ALWAYS been while the artists were gone, or was an actor/producer/other sort of performing artist.

      Similar to the way The Doors, Sam Cooke’s, Janis’, and Jimi’s music was for plenty of folks in my generation. It’s EXCELLENT music, but we weren’t ever around to hear it live–it was ALWAYS recorded to us.

  4. Oh, there are so many. That’s to be expected though – I’m an old.

    – Queen’s “We will rock you” – played in the bus after we got the highest honors at an international choir festival.
    – “Army of Darkness” – watched with fellow classmates in the university’s theatre many, many times either before or after studying.
    – Lighthouse’s “Sunny Days” – takes me back to warm prairie days during summer break in elementary school.
    – The Tragically Hip – too many to list.
    – Rush – experiencing them live in concert, including Neil Peart’s drum solos.
    – Pink Floyd songs – too many to list.
    – Any “Star Wars” show (now) when “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” pops up on the screen – the visceral rush of when I saw it (way back before it became “Episode IV”) in theatre on the Sunday of the opening weekend… before all the hype started and it was just SUCH a cool show for me at that time.

  5. For me, it’s not so much a piece of music (because my tastes run as far back as 150 years), or movies (because my tastes run as far back as 70 years), but typically when I’m at work and one of my colleagues either makes a reference I don’t get or I make one they don’t get.

    Ultimately, however, nothing is as much of a mindfuck as the annual Beloit College Mindset List. The most recent one, for example, mentions that for kids entering college in the fall of 2019, the United States has always been in Afghanistan. WTF.


    • …those lists are really something

      …another one that gets me is when you realise you know people with kids that are the same age now as when you & their parents (or just you & the other one) first did X
      …sometimes it’s enough to make you want to sit down & catch your breath…but then can we be sure we’ll be able to get up again?

      • What started to get me, was a few years ago, when I learned that my work supervisor was *younger* (by a year or so) than the kids of my high school classmates.

        Granted, we had a BAD rash of pregnancies my sophomore year, when my town’s school combined with two other towns’, and there were lots of folks I knew who were teenaged parents…

        Our schools combining into one big one (1,200-ish kids from 7th-12th, in rural MN, so not big in a city, but HUGE out there) meant a whole bunch of young people doing allllll sorts of stupid things–plus a lack of good sex ed in the other two towns led to a BUNCH of pregnancies those first years–i think our sophomore class had at least 6 babies alone (there were also kids born to many people in the Junior & Senior classes, and more pregnancies in subsequent years–we had a minor record *our* Junior year, because we were the first class in those early years to *not* have a baby born to anyone in the school that year. But we rebounded HARD our senior year, and I think there were close to 10 born by the time we went off to college that fall🙃

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